Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

List of Bugs and Bug Fixes

Modern Warfare 2 - List of Bugs and Bug Fixes

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has its own set of bugs, errors, and crashes that affect user gameplay experience. Read on for a full list of all known bugs and errors, as well as solutions for fixing them!

Bugs and Bug Fixes
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List of All Bugs & Bug Fixes

Multiplayer Bugs
Weapon Tuning Not Appearing Spawn Without a Gun
Ping Function Disabled Party Lobby Crashing
Audio Continuity Issues How to Access Oni Operator & Vault Edition Items
Multiplayer Main Menu Bug Post-Match XP & Weapon Rank Progression Missing Bug
Game Lobby Freezing Bug Gold Camo Challenge Not Unlocking Bug
Can't Invite Friends Bug Xbox Party of More Than 3 Bug
Private Lobby Bugs (Dev Error 292, 11642, and 401) How to Fix Voice Service Unavailable Error
Dev Error 11063 and How to Fix Join Failed Different Version Error
General Errors
Update 1.03 Bug: Stuck on Installing Steam Download Connection Timeout Error
Display Name Error No Supported DXGI Adapter Found Fix
Social Menu Bug Puget Lakes Error and How to Fix
Fetching Account Data from Platform Error Error Code: Diver
How to Fix Dev Error 11557 Names Freezing on HUD Bug
Puget Altus Error and How to Fix Travis Rilea Error and How to Fix
How to Fix Dev Error 11152 How to Fix HUENEME Concord Error

List of Bugs in the Campaign

List of Bugs in the Campaign

Kill or Secure - Stay With Your Squad Bug

MW2 - Kill or Capture - Stay with Squad Bug
In the Kill or Secure mission, there are reports of players getting stuck on the first objective which asks Soap to stay with his squad. During this portion, Ghost will not move even after the dialogue scenes and the mission will not progress.

How to Fix Bug

To fix this bug, players can either load from the last checkpoint or restart the game. The player should also try going directly to the pinpointed marker as this may solve the problem.

Another way to fix this bug is by verifying the game file's integrity. Doing so will help detect any corrupted files in the game that needs fixing. Steps on how to access local files will vary depending on the platform you are playing in.

Stay With Your Squad Bug

Kill or Secure - Ghost Stuck in Helicopter Bug

MW2 Kill or Capture - Ghost is Stuck
After clearing out the second house in the Kill or Secure mission, Soap and Ghost will go to the crash site to provide support to the downed squadmates. Some players reported that Ghost will stop moving after the third wave of attacks, causing the mission to be at a standstill.

How to Fix Bug

To avoid encountering this bug, players can stay close to Ghost during the encounter in the crash site. This method can also be used for problems that involves Ghost staying stationary. Another option would be to load from the last checkpoint or restart the mission if the problem persists.
Ghost Stuck in Helicopter Bug

Recon by Fire - Vehicle Guards Not Leaving

During the Recon by Fire mission, the player will encounter enemy reinforcements that will patrol the entrance to the garagae and housing buildings. Some players have encountered a bug wherein the vehicle guards will maintain a stationary position, making it difficult to sneak past them.

How to Fix Bug

The most effective way of dealing with this bug is by simply going on the offensive and eliminating all hostiles in the area. Gaz can utilize smoke grenades to limit the vision of enemies and maximize the thermal hybrid optic of the Victus XMR.

Vehicle Guards Not Leaving Bug

Violence and Timing - Can't Board Price's APC Truck Bug

APC Truck Bug
The Violence and Timing mission will have Gaz driving vehicles and engaging hostiles to reach the front of an enemy convoy. In one of the objectives, Price will task Gaz to board his APC truck and wield a grenade launcher. However, some players are reporting that a bug occurs during this sequence, disallowing them to board the APC truck and failing the mission.

How to Fix Bug

Reports from players indicate that simply restarting to the last checkpoint does not fully solve the problem. Thus, it is recommended to restart the entire mission in order to advance past this objective. If the bug still persists, re-launching Modern Warfare 2 might solve the issue.

Although it is only the campaign, Modern Warfare 2 will still require players to connect to online services. Ensuring that you have a stable internet connection might also help prevent the bug.

Can't Board Price's APC Truck Bug

Prison Break - Rope Down Bug Fix

Descend the Wall
Players are reporting that they are experiencing issues with the last objective in the Prison Break mission. The bug prevents players from using the rope and descending down the wall to complete the mission.

How to Fix Bug

To fix this bug, the player can avoid NPCs on the platform by staying on the right side of the wall. If this method does not work, restarting the mission might also solve the problem.

Rope Down Bug

Compatability Issues

Windows 10 Compatibility Error

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 requires players to have the latest version of Windows 10 installed in order to play. If you're running an older, un-updated version of Windows 10, you will more than likely encounter stability issues with MW2. Follow the steps below to update to the latest version of Windows 10:

  1. Open the Start menu and go to Settings.
  2. Select Update & Security then Windows Update.
  3. Select Check for Updates.
  4. Allow Windows 10 to download and install any updates before re-launching MW2.

Modern Warfare 2 Will Not Work on Machines Running Windows 7 or 8

Do note that the Activision Support website makes it clear that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is incompatible with Windows 7 and 8. If you are running an older machine, you will need to upgrade to Windows 10 in order to play.

Video Card Driver Out of Date Error

If you receive an error saying that your video card driver is out of date, you will need to update them manually in order to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Update your video card to the following drivers (or newer) before you launch MW2.

Nvidia It is recommended to update Nvidia drivers to version 516.59.
AMD It is recommended to update AMD drivers to version 22.9.1.
Intel Intel Integrated GPUs are currently unsupported.

How to Check Your Current Video Card Driver

  1. Press Windows + R to bring up the Run window.
  2. Type in dxdiag then press Ok to run it.
  3. Once the tool loads, select the Display tab to view your video card's currently installed driver.

What to do When Errors Occur

Check the Activision Support Website for Known Issues

Activision keeps track of known issues and updates their support website once the issue has been either identified or patched. Check this regularly if you find yourself encountering multiple bugs or errors when launching or playing Modern Warfare 2.

Activision Support Page for MW2

Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Stable

Multiplayer will rely on your having a strong and stable internet connection in order to play. If you find yourself constantly disconnecting from the game server, make sure to check if your internet connection is up and stable.

Allow Modern Warfare Through Windows Firewall

For Windows users having trouble maintaining a stable connection to the game servers, you can opt to allow Modern Warfare 2 through the Windows Firewall. Follow the steps below to do so:

  1. Open Start and select Settings.
  2. Navigate to Network & Internet and go to Status.
  3. Under Advanced Network Settings, select Windows Firewall.
  4. When a the Firewall window opens, select the option Allow an app through firewall.
  5. Select Change Settings. You will need admin privileges to do this.
  6. Look for Modern Warfare 2 in the list of applications and allow it through the firewall.
  7. Press Ok to confirm changes and exit the window.

Restart Steam or and Relaunch MW2

Sometimes, launch troubles are related to MW2 and its associated launcher. Do a fresh launch by exiting Modern Warfare 2 and restarting either Steam or Re-launch Modern Warfare 2 afterwards to check if the problem still persists.

Check for Modern Warfare 2 Updates

If you do not have automatic updates enabled, you can manually enable it to catch all the patches and hotfixes that have been shipped to Modern Warfare 2. With this turned off, you will have to manually start each download before you can sit down and play.

  • On Steam, right click Modern Warfare 2 in your library and select Properties > Updates > Always Keep Game Up to Date.
  • On, go to the Modern Warfare 2 game page in your library and select the Gear Button > Check for Updates to see if new ones can be downloaded.

Verify and Repair Corrupted Game Files

Most error messages that pop up while playing stem from corrupt game files. These are acquired by either faulty downloads or installation errors. To fix these, you can do either of the following solutions:

  • Steam: Right click Modern Warfare 2 in your library and select Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Steam will scan and re-download any corrupt game files it finds.
  • Go to the Modern Warfare 2 game page in your library and select the Gear Button > Scan and Repair. Click on Begin Scan and wait for the game to repair itself.

Free Up Additional Storage Space

All of the newer Call of Duty titles take up a lot of storage space. Make sure you have enough space before trying to install the game. If you find yourself not having enough space to start updates afterwards, you will have to free up storage space in order to keep playing the game.

Opt to Turn On Texture Streaming

To shave off some required storage space for Modern Warfare 2, players can opt to turn on Texture Streaming from the Settings menu. This allows you to stream high fidelity textures from the CoD servers rather than having them take up space in your PC or console. If you have a good internet connection, you can opt into this feature to save storage space.

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