Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

November 22 Update Patch Notes (Season 1)

MW2 and Warzone 2.0 - Novemeber 22 Patch Notes
A new update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Season 1, Warzone 2.0, and DMZ was released on November 22, 2022, featuring important bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements. Read on to learn more about the new Season 1 update and patch notes, and its new content!

Season 1 Patch Notes (November 22)

Patch Notes Categories
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Balance Changes Bug Fixes Quality of Life Improvements

Balance Changes


  • Removed damage multiplier of Armor Piercing Ammunition against armored opponents.

Buy Station

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed collision issues with various elements across the game that allowed players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
  • Fixed an issue with audio occlusion and directional audio.
  • Fixed an issue causing some unlocks in the Gunsmith to not track Weapon progression.
  • Fixed an issue causing Overkill to allow players to equip the same Weapon as both a Primary and a Secondary.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the correct number of Battle Pass Tokens from appearing on the Battle Pass Menu.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Season Countdown Timer on the Battle Pass Menu to not indicate the correct amount of time remaining.
  • Fixed various incorrect texts in the in-game interface.
  • Fixed various issues resulting in incorrect controller input while navigating menus.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players looking down to appear erratic to others.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some players from launching the game due to GPU compatibility.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Focused Mode to crash the client while the Display Mode was set to Windowed.
  • Fixed an issue on PlayStation that caused the PlayStation Store icon to remain stuck on screen after experiencing a network error.
  • Fixed an issue causing progression for the “Dragon in Downtown” Calling Card to not track.
  • Fixed an issue causing the incorrect Operator icon to appear while navigating to select a custom skin for Kleo.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to get kicked back to the main menu when navigating to select the PDSW 528 Armory while customizing a Loadout.
  • Fixed an issue causing an incorrect progression requirement to appear in the Prestige menu.
  • Fixed various audio related issues causing players to hear notifications at times when they should not.
  • Fixed an issue causing Platinum Camo unlock requirements to display incorrectly after having unlocked it.
  • Fixed various issues causing the camera to shake while spectating another player.
  • Fixed an issue causing Operator model hands to appear invisible while ledge hanging.
  • Fixed an issue causing the incorrect Weapon to appear in the player Showcase.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Spotter Scope to continuously highlight enemy positions.
  • Addressed a dev error in private matches, and will continue to improve stability.

Warzone 2.0

  • Fixed an issue preventing some players from hearing others via Proximity Chat.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Stickers earned via DMZ Extractions from appearing on Weapons.
  • Fixed an issue on PlayStation that caused players to not see Sony profile usernames.
  • Fixed an issue causing parachute deployment to crash the game.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to lose all control of mouse movement if interacting with a container with Mixed Backpack behavior.

Battle Royale

  • Fixed an issue that caused players eliminated in the Gulag to either spectate the enemy team or spectate from underneath the playable area.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players eliminated in the Gulag to not appear in the Buy Station for squad members to buy back.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to skip the downed state and immediately perish despite having an assimilated squad member still alive.
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from jumping out of the plane during Infil.
  • Fixed an issue causing the After Action Report from appearing correctly after a match.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing players to get kicked out of the Backpack interface if looting an eliminated player opponent that disconnected during the interaction.
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from equipping Lethal and Tactical equipment.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to encounter the “Failed to Connect to Datacenters” error while extracting.
  • Fixed an issue that caused lobby-wide microphone input during matchmaking.
  • Fixed an issue allowing players to keep Armor Plate Carrier upgrades between matches despite having been eliminated.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to lose their Backpack upgrade when extracting after having been revived.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to incorrectly extract their insured Weapon as a contraband Weapon.

Quality of Life Improvements

Updated Camo Menu Navigation

  • Added controller bumper navigation to jump between categories.
  • Added a toggle option to show/hide locked Camos.

Jailer Audio Notification

  • Increased audio notification for when The Jailer enters the Gulag.

Updated Contract Activation Phone

  • Visual upgrade to Contract activation phone in Battle Royale.

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