Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Defender: Mt. Zaya Intel Locations and Spec Ops Mission Walkthrough

Modern Warfare 2 - Mt. Zaya Mission Banner

Defender: Mt. Zaya is a co-op Spec Ops mission featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2 2022). Read on for a complete walkthrough of Defender: Mt. Zaya including the locations of all 10 intel fragments, how to earn $20,000 for the vending machine intel fragment, and the list of weapons found in the mission.

Mt. Zaya Missions
Modern Warfare 2 - Mt. Zaya Mission BannerDefender: Mt. Zaya Modern Warfare 2 - Gun Game Mt. ZayaGun Game: Mt. Zaya

Defender: Mt. Zaya Walkthrough

No. Step
At the beginning of the mission, head towards Target A which is a bunker at the other side of the starting area.
Clear the bunker of enemy hostiles and defuse any bombs that they plant.
There will be a total of six waves of enemies that you will have to defeat from this point on.
Wave 1: Defend Point B - They will come from all sides however they'll be targeting Point B in an attempt to plant the bomb.
Wave 2: Defend Point C - There will be an enemy chopper which you have to defeat in order to advance to the next wave. Use Assault Rifles or LMGs to take down the helicopter.
Wave 3: Defend Point B - Enemies strapped with bombs on their vests will run towards you without hesitation. Kill them before they get up-close.
Wave 4: Defend Points A and B - You will need to defend two targets at this point. An enemy mortar crew will be around this time, marked with a red diamond on your map. Take them out to relieve pressure from aerial attacks.
Wave 5: Defend Points A and C - You will once again defend two targets, however enemies will be using riot shields in this wave. Throw grenades at them to easily take them out.
Wave 6: Defend ALL Points - Place Sentry Turrets purchased from the Supply Shop before the wave starts to help you defend the Points. There will also be a Juggernaut present in this wave; you can use the RPG-7 from the weapons depot at the starting location to eliminate him with ease.

Defender: Mt. Zaya Intel Fragment Locations

Intel Fragment Locations Map

How to Get the Intel Fragments

No. Location
Inside the bunker near Point A. There will be a document file on top of the computers.
On the ground floor of the office building, you will find a document file on the computer desk.
Inside the small shack, look for a USB drive sitting on top of the computer desk.
You will find a hard drive that will be on a bench inside Warehouse C.
Inside the Observatory, you'll find a USB hard drive on top of a desk beside the computers.
In the first building that you will enter at the start of the mission, you will find a warehouse filled with crates. The intel is on top of one of the crates.
Found inside an office drawer which is also in the first building's office rooms.
Found on the floor between the server computers near the west entrance of the bunker.
You will have to pay $20,000 in order to claim the intel inside the vending machine.
You will have to wear a Juggernaut Suit or an Assault Suit to open the door of the building. The intel can be found on top of the table.
NOTE: There is a bug that will sometimes teleport you out of the room and you will be unable to open the door again - requiring you to restart the mission in order to get it.

Defender: Mt. Zaya Weapons List

Type Weapons
Assault Rifle M4, TAQ-M, Kastov 545
SMG Minibak, Lachmann-556, Vaznek-9K
Sniper Signal 50
Shotgun Bryson 800
Handgun P890, X13 Auto
Launcher RPG-7
LMG Rapp H

List of All Weapons

How to Earn Cash for Vending Machine Fragment

Drop Cash for Your Teammates

Earned cash can be shared to your teammates by opening your loadout menu and selecting your cash to instantly drop it on the ground.

This is a faster method of getting $20,000 as each of you can farm on enemies and share the hard earned cash together so that both of you can unlock and collect the vending machine fragment.

List of Rewards on Defender: Mt. Zaya


Operator Faction
Modern Warfare 2 - Mt Zaya Intel 1

How to Unlock All Operators

Weekly Stars Requirements

Stars Unlock Conditions
(3 Stars)
Complete Defender: Mt. Zaya while allowing 3 or fewer bombs planted.
(2 Stars)
Complete Defender: Mt. Zaya while allowing 9 or fewer bombs planted.

(1 Star)
Complete Defender: Mt. Zaya

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Spec Ops Walkthrough

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List of Spec Ops Missions
1 Low Profile
2 Denied Area
3 Defender: Mt. Zaya
4 Gun Game: Mt. Zaya
5 High Ground


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