Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Farah Karim (Claudia Doumit) Character Info

Modern Warfare 2 - Farah Karim (Claudia Doumit) Character Info
Farah Karim is a character in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to see Farah Karim's full bio and voice actor, and learn more about Farah Karim and his role in the game!

Commander Farah Karim Character Info

Farah Karim Basic Info

Farah Karim
Farah Karim
Character Bio
Voice Actor Claudia Doumit
Aliases Farah
Factions Urzikstan Liberation Force, Task Force 141
Rank Commander
Nationality Urzik
Gender Female
Eyes Brown

Commander of Urzikstan Liberation Force

Modern Warfare 2 - Commander of Urzikstan Force
Farah Karim is the leader and commander of Urzikstan Liberation Force in Modern Warfare 2. She was asked by Captain Price to help them out rescue Laswell on the Violence and Timing mission, after Laswell got kidnapped during the Recon by Fire.

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