Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

List of All Camo Challenges for Every Weapon

Modern Warfare 2 - How to Unlock All Camos
A complete list of Camo Challenges to unlock Camo skins for weapons and vehicles in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Read on for a list of Camo and Camo Challenges for every weapon and vehicle, how to unlock Base Camos as well as Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic, and Orion Camos.

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List of Camo Challenges

All Weapon Camos
Assault Rifle (AR) Camos
M4 TAQ-56 Kastov 762 Lachmann-556
STB 556 M16 Kastov-74U Kastov 545
M13B - - -
Battle Rifle Camos
Lachmann-762 SO-14 TAQ-V FTAC Recon
Submachine Gun (SMG) Camos
VEL46 MX9 Lachmann Sub Vaznev-9K
FSS Hurricane Minibak BAS-P PDSW 528
Fennec 45 - - -
Shotgun Camos
Lockwood 300 Expedite 12 Bryson 800 Bryson 890
Light Machine Gun (LMGs) Camos
SAKIN MG38 HCR 56 556 Icarus RAAL MG
Marksman Rifle Camos
EBR-14 SP-R 208 Lockwood MK2 LM-S
SA-B 50 TAQ-M - -
Sniper Rifle Camos
MCPR-300 VICTUS XMR Signal 50 LA-B 330
SP-X 80 - - -
Melee Camos
Riot Shield Combat Knife - -
Handguns Camos
P890 .50 GS X12 Basilisk
X13 Auto - - -
Launcher Camos
Franchise Camos
Call of Duty League - - -

M4 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Scales Get 50 kills with the M4 2
Desert Hybrid Get 50 kills while ADS with the M4 8
Dark Leaves Get 10 double kills with the M4 13
Urban Renewal Get 15 kills from behind with the M4 19
Gold M4 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the M4 N/A
M4★ M4 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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TAQ-56 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Hidden Snake Get 50 kills with the TAQ-56 2
Iceland Get 10 double kills with the TAQ-56 8
Stonewall Digital Get 50 kills while ADS with the TAQ-56 13
Back in Blue Get 15 hip fire kills with the TAQ-56 19
Gold TAQ-56 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the TAQ-56 N/A
TAQ-56★ TAQ-56 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Kastov 762 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Urban Foliage Get 50 kills with the Kastov 762 2
Rip N' Tear Get 20 kills while mounted with the Kastov 762 8
Forest Ice Get 50 kills while ADS with the Kastov 762 14
Red Tiger Get 15 kills from behind with the Kastov 762 20
Gold Kastov 762 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Kastov 762 N/A
Kastov 762★ Kastov 762 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Lachmann-556 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Marshland Get 50 kills with the Lachmann-556 2
Pine Get 10 double kills with the Lachmann-556 8
Dark Tiger Digital Get 50 kills using a suppressor with the Lachmann-556 14
Cthulhu Get 10 hip fire kills with the Lachmann-556 19
Gold Lachmann-556 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Lachmann-556 N/A
Lachmann-556★ Lachmann-556 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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STB 556 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Sponge Tac Get 50 kills with the STB 556 2
Black Top Get 20 kills while mounted with the STB 556 8
Slate Get 10 double kills with the STB 556 14
Neon Pink Get 30 kills while crouched with the STB 556 20
Gold STB 556 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the STB 556 N/A
STB 556★ STB 556 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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M16 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Modern Woodland Get 50 kills with the M16 2
Marsh Digital Get 10 double kills with the M16 6
Dank Forest Get 30 kills while crouched with the M16 11
Intoxicate Get 20 kills while mounted with the M16 15
Gold M16 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the M16 N/A
M16★ M16 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Kastov-74u Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Ripple Effect Get 50 kills with the Kastov-74u 2
Jungle Digital Get 15 point blank kills with the Kastov-74u 8
Canary Stone Get 10 double kills Kastov-74u 14
Chemical Reaction Get 30 kills while crouching with the Kastov-74u 20
Gold Kastov-74U Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Kastov-74U N/A
Kastov-74u★ Kastov-74u Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Kastov 545 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Snowdrift Get 50 kills with the Kastov 545 2
Mudslide Get 10 hip fire kills with the Kastov 545 7
Savannah Get 50 while ADS with the Kastov 545 13
Petri Digital Get 50 kills using a suppressor with the Kastov 545 18
Gold Kastov 545 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Kastov 545 N/A
Kastov 545★ Kastov 545 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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M13B Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Tarnished Get 50 kills with the M13B 2
Field Ops Get 10 double kills with the M13B 9
Projectile Get 15 point blank kills with the M13B 15
Ice Cave Get 15 kills from behind with the M13B 19
Gold M13B Get 3 kills without dying 10 tiimes with the M13B N/A
Platinum M13B Get 25 longshot kills with the M13B N/A
Polyatomic M13B Get 25 headshot kills with the M13B N/A
Orion M13B Complete 51 polyatomic camo challenges N/A
M13B★ M13B Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Lachmann-762 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Day Marsh Get 50 kills with the Lachmann-762 2
Desert Oil Digital Get 50 kills while ADS with the Lachmann-762 7
Stalking Cat Get 20 kills while mounted with the Lachmann-762 13
Internal Flame Get 10 double kills with the Lachmann0762 18
Gold Lachmann-762 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Lachmann-762 N/A
Lachmann-762★ Lachmann-762 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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SO-14 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Reptilian Get 50 kills while ADS with the SO-14 8
Heavy Commando Get 10 double kills with the SO-14 15
Tendrils Get 30 kills while prone with the SO-14 21
Dune Stalker Get 50 kills with the SO-14 2
Gold SO-14 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the SO-14 N/A
SO-14★ SO-14 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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TAQ-V Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Slime Time Get 20 kills while mounted with the TAQ-V 20
Dune Sea Get 50 kills with the TAQ-V 2
Anaconda Get 15 kills from behind with the TAQ-V 14
Faded Veil Get 15 point blank kills with the TAQ-V 8
Gold TAQ-V Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the TAQ-V N/A
TAQ-V★ TAQ-V Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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FTAC Recon Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Torn Scales Get 10 double kills with the FTAC Recon 9
Haunting Get 50 kills while crouched with the FTAC Recon 22
Beached Get 50 kills with the FTAC Recon 2
Desert Cat Get 50 kills using a suppressor with the FTAC Recon 15
Gold FTAC Recon Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the FTAC Recon N/A
FTAC Recon★ FTAC Recon Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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VEL 46 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Arid Digital Get 50 kills with the Vel 46 2
Midnight Bay Get 50 kills while ADS with the VEL 46 11
Tagged Get 15 hip-fire kills with the VEL 46 19
Whiteout Get 10 double kills with the VEL 46 28
Gold VEL 46 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the VEL 46 N/A
VEL 46★ VEL 46 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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MX9 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Concrete Jungle Get 50 kills with the MX9 2
Forest Digital Get 10 double kills with the MX9 7
Overgrown Get 20 kills while mounted with the MX9 11
Rainbow Tiger Get 30 kills while crouched with the MX9 16
Gold MX9 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the MX9 N/A
MX9★ MX9 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Lachmann Sub Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Darkfall Get 50 kills with the Lachmann Sub 2
Arctic Digital Get 10 double kills with the Lachmann Sub 7
Crime Scene Get 50 kills using a suppressor with the Lachmann Sub 13
Poison Get 10 hip-fire kills with the Lachmann Sub 18
Gold Lachmann Sub Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Lachmann Sub N/A
Lachmann Sub★ Lachmann Sub Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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VAZNEV-9K Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Snow Melt Digital Get 50 kills with the Vaznev-9K 2
Kill Brush Get 50 kills while ADS with the Vaznev-9K 6
Forest Rain Get 10 double kills with the Vaznev-9K 9
Omnihex Get 15 hip fire kills with the Vaznev-9K 13
Gold VAZNEV-9K Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the VAZNEV-9K N/A
Vaznev-9K★ Vaznev-9K Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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FSS Hurricane Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Green Woods Get 50 kills with FSS Hurricane 2
Python Get 50 kills with FSS Hurricane while using suppressor 6
Moon Shadow Get 50 ADS kills with FSS Hurricane 10
Neon Loud Get 30 kills with FSS Hurricane while prone 14
Gold FSS Hurricane Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the FSS Hurricane N/A
FSS Hurricane★ FSS Hurricane Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Minibak Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Timber Get 50 kills with the Minibak 2
Rattlesnake Get 10 double kills with the Minibak 6
Green Digital Get 50 kills while ADS with the Minibak 10
Skyfire Get 15 point blank kills with the Minibak 14
Gold Minibak Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Minibak N/A
Minibak★ Minibak Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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BAS-P Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Grass Snake Get 50 kills with the BAS-P 2
Bark Digital Get 15 hipfire kill with the BAS-P 7
Urban Dusk Get 15 kills from behind with the BAS-P 11
Dark Violet Get 50 kills while using a suppressor with the BAS-P 16
Gold BAS-P Get 3 kills without dying 10 tiimes with the BAS-P N/A
Platinum BAS-P Get 25 longshot kills with the BAS-P N/A
Polyatomic BAS-P Get 25 headshot kills with the BAS-P N/A
Orion BAS-P Complete 51 polyatomic camo challenges N/A
BAS-P★ BAS-P Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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PDSW 528 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Shadow Stalker Get 50 kills with the PDSW 528 2
Gecko Get 50 kills while ADS with the PDSW 528 11
Shale Get 15 hipfire kills with the PDSW 528 20
Power Pink Get 10 point blank kills with the PDSW 528 29
Gold PDSW 528 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the PDSW 528 N/A
PDSW 528★ PDSW 528 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Fennec 45 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Motley Get 50 kills with the Fennec 45 2
2087 Get 10 double kills with the Fennec 45 26
Feral Beast Get 15 kills from behind with the Fennec 45 18
Eclipse Get 30 kills while crouched with the Fennec 45 10
Gold Fennec 45 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Fennec 45 N/A
Fennec 45★ Fennec 45 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Lockwood 300 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Mosswood Get 40 kills with Lockwood 300 2
Jungle Cat Get 40 kills with an equipped suppressor with Lockwood 300 10
Red Cell Get 25 one-shot kills with Lockwood 300 19
Hunting Orange Get 20 kills while mounted with Lockwood 300 27
Gold Lockwood 300 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Lockwood 300 N/A
Lockwood 300★ Lockwood 300 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Expedite 12 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Forest Shadow Get 40 kills with the Expedite 12 2
Tiger Stripes Get 15 hip-fire kills with the Expedite 12 11
Snowed In Get 30 kills while ADS with the Expedite 12 20
Violent Orchid Get 25 kills while prone with the Expedite 12 29
Gold Expedite 12 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Expedite 12 N/A
Expedite 12★ Expedite 12 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Bryson 800 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Mud Bath Get 40 kills with the Bryson 800 2
Bamboo Get 15 hipfire kills with the Bryson 800 8
Ground Cover Get 10 double kills with the Bryson 800 14
Aqua Get 20 one shot one kills with the Bryson 800 20
Gold Bryson 800 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Bryson 800 N/A
Bryson 800★ Bryson 800 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Bryson 890 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Snowstorm Digital Get 40 kills with the Bryson 800 2
Stone Guard Get 15 point blank kills with the Bryson 890 8
Shedding Get 10 double kills with the Bryson 890 14
Arctic Chill Get 25 kills while crouched with the Bryson 890 21
Gold Bryson 890 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Bryson 890 N/A
Bryson 890★ Bryson 890 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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SAKIN MG38 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Commando Paint Get 50 kills with the Sakin MG38 2
Necropolis Get 30 kills while prone with the Sakin MG38 8
Fractal Mud Get 10 double kills with the Sakin MG38 13
Magma Digital Get 50 kills using a suppressor with the Sakin MG38 19
Gold Sakin MG38 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Sakin MG38 N/A
SAKIN MG38★ SAKIN MG38 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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HCR 56 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Surface Tension Get 50 kills with HCR 56 2
Hexed Get 50 ADS kills with HCR 56 7
Sunset Get 10 double kills with HCR 56 13
Tessellation Get 20 kills with HCR 56 while mounted 18
Gold HCR 56 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the HCR 56 N/A
HCR 56★ HCR 56 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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556 Icarus Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Night Quarry Get 20 kills while mounted with the 556 ICARUS 11
Olive Get 50 kills with the 556 Icarus 2
What Skulls? Get 10 double kills with the 556 Icarus 6
Autumn Dazzle Get 30 kills while crouched with the 556 ICARUS 15
Gold 556 Icarus Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the 556 Icarus N/A
556 Icarus★ 556 Icarus Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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RAAL MG Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Rocky Desert Get 50 kills with the RAAL MG 2
Trailblazer Get 15 kills from behind with the RAAL MG 10
Night Terror Get 20 kills while mounted with the RAAL MG 19
Lodge Get 10 hip-fire kills with the RAAL MG 27
Gold RAAL MG Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the RAAL MG N/A
RAAL MG★ RAAL MG Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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RPK Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Dark Rainforest Get 50 kills with the RPK 2
China Lake Get 10 double kills with the RPK 7
Asphalt Get 50 kills while using a suppressor with the RPK 13
Rupture Get 20 kills while mounted with the RPK 18
Gold RPK Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the RPK N/A
RPK★ RPK Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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RAPP H Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Desert Snake Get 50 kills with the RAPP H 2
Classic Digital Get 10 point blank kills with the RAPP H 7
Quarry Get 20 kills while mounted with the RAPP H 13
Blue Tiger Get 50 kills while ADS with the RAPP H 18
Gold RAPP H Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the RAPP H N/A
RAPP H★ RAPP H Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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EBR-14 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Sandstorm Digital Get 50 kills with the EBR-14 2
Moss Get 30 kills while crouched with the EBR-14 6
Autumn Return Get 20 Kills with EBR-14 while mounted 10
Sunlit Croc Get 10 double kills with EBR-14 14
Gold EBR-14 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the EBR-14 N/A
EBR-14★ EBR-14 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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SP-R 208 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Dark Canopy Get 50 kills with the SP-R 208 2
Desert Digital Get 50 ADS kills with SP-R 208 6
Ferns Get 30 kills with SP-R 208 while prone 11
Crimson Streak Get 20 kills with SP-R 208 while mounted 14
Gold SP-R 208 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the SP-R 208 N/A
SP-R 208★ SP-R 208 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Lockwood MK2 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Sand Viper Get 50 kills with Lockwood MK2 2
Desert Rain Get 15 kills from behind with Lockwood MK2 11
Wild Zebra Get 25 one-shot kills with Lockwood MK2 19
Granite Get 10 point blank kills with Lockwood MK2 28
Gold Lockwood MK2 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Lockwood MK2 N/A
Lockwood Mk2★ Lockwood Mk2 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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LM-S Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Commando Digital Get 40 kills with the LM-S 2
Abominable Get 20 kills while mounted with the LM-S 5
Autumnal Get 20 one shot kills with the LM-S 9
Coral Snake Get 30 kills while crouched with the LM-S 12
Gold LM-S Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the LM-S N/A
LM-S★ LM-S Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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SA-B 50 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Urban Digital Get 50 kills with SA-B 50 2
Bullsnake Get 25 one-shot kills with SA-B 50 8
Toxicity Get 10 double kills with SA-B 50 14
Splintered Asphalt Get 10 kills with SA-B 50 while mounted 20
Gold SA-B 50 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the SA-B 50 N/A
SA-B 50★ SA-B 50 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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TAQ-M Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Dead Hive Get 50 kills with the TAQ-M 2
Forest Water Get 20 kills while mounted with the TAQ-M 10
Skin and Scales Get 5 hip fire kills with the TAQ-M 17
Chemist Digital Get 10 double kills with the TAQ-M 25
Gold TAQ-M Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the TAQ-M N/A
TAQ-M★ TAQ-M Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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MCPR-300 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Clay Get 50 kills with the MCPR-300 2
Snow Grass Get 2 kills within 10 seconds with MCPR 300 10
Neon Shards Get 30 kills with MCPR 300 while prone 18
Bloodied Get 10 hip-fire kills with MCPR 300 26
Gold MCPR-300 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the MCPR-300 N/A
MCPR-300★ MCPR-300 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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VICTUS XMR Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Snowy Nights Get 50 kills with the VICTUS XMR 2
Burned Edges Get 30 one-shot kills with the VICTUS XMR 10
Tangographical Get 10 double kills with the VICTUS XMR 18
Coral Reef Get 30 kills while crouched with the VICTUS XMR 26
Gold VICTUS XMR Get 3 kills without dying 10 tiimes with the VICTUS XMR N/A
Platinum VICTUS XMR Get 25 longshot kills with the VICTUS XMR N/A
Polyatomic VICTUS XMR Get 25 headshot kills with the VICTUS XMR N/A
Orion VICTUS XMR Complete 51 polyatomic camo challenges N/A
Victus XMR★ Victus XMR Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Signal 50 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Gladiator Get 50 kills with the Signal 50 2
Unearthed Get 2 kills within 10 seconds of each other 10 times with the Signal 50 9
Earthbound Get 30 kills while prone with the Signal 50 16
Spectrums Get 25 one shot one kills with the Signal 50 23
Gold Signal 50 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Signal 50 N/A
Signal 50★ Signal 50 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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LA-B 330 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Shark Net Get 50 kills with the LA-B 330 2
Dirt Get 2 kills within 10 seconds of each other 10 times with the LA-B 330 8
Leafless Get 25 one shot one kills with the LA-B 330 15
Teal Tiger Get 50 kills using a suppressor with the LA-B 330 21
Gold LA-B 330 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the LA-B 330 N/A
LA-B 330★ LA-B 330 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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SP-X 80 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Scratch Get 50 kills with SP-X 80 2
Dry Field Get 20 kills while mounted with SP-X 80 7
Aspen Get 25 one-shot kills with SP-X 80 13
Lichyard Get 50 kills with an equipped suppressor with SP-X 80 18
Gold SP-X 80 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the SP-X 80 N/A
SP-X 80★ SP-X 80 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Riot Shield Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Urban Zebra Get 40 kills with the Riot Shield 11
Riot Shield★ Riot Shield Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Combat Knife Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Scarlet Get 50 kills with the Combat Knife 11
Gold Combat Knife Get 2 kills without dying 10 times with the Combat Knife N/A
Platinum Combat Knife Get 2 kills within 10 seconds of each other 10 times with the Combat Knife N/A
Polyatomic Combat Knife Get 20 kills from behind with the Combat Knife N/A
Orion Combat Knife Complete 51 polyatomic camo challenges N/A
Combat Knife★ Combat Knife Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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P890 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Sand Get 40 kills with the P890 2
Muddied Get 40 kills while using a suppressor with the P890 10
Blue Digital Get 5 double kills with the P890 18
Pixel Land Get 10 point blank kills with the P890 26
Gold P890 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the P890 N/A
P890★ P890 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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.50 GS Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Foliage Get 5 double kills with the .50 GS 10
Blades Get 40 kills with the .50 GS 2
8-Bit Static Get 40 kills with the Akimbo attachment equipped on the .50 GS 26
Leopard Get 15 kills while mounted with the .50 GS 18
Gold .50 GS Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the .50 GS N/A
.50 GS★ .50 GS Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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X12 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Bio Static Digital Get 30 kills with the X12 2
Desert Wave Get 25 kills while ADS with the X12 8
Garter Snake Get 10 hipfire kills with the X12 13
Azul Get 40 kills with the akimbo attachment equipped on the X12 19
Gold X12 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the X12 N/A
X12★ X12 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Basilisk Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Outcrop Get 40 kills with the Basilisk 2
Countryside Get 30 kills while ADS with the Basilisk 11
Dark Denim Get 10 point blank kills with the Basilisk 19
Chrysolite Get 30 kills with the Akimbo attachment equipped on the Basilisk 28
Gold Basilisk Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Basilisk N/A
Basilisk★ Basilisk Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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X13 Auto Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Void and Light Get 40 kills with the X13 Auto 2
Asphalt Digital Get 10 hipfire kills with the X13 Auto 8
Dark Echo Get 10 double kills with the X13 Auto 15
Party Time Get 40 kills with the akimbo attachment equipped on the X13 Auto 21
Gold X13 Auto Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the X13 Auto N/A
X13 Auto★ X13 Auto Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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PILA Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Dead Leaves Get 40 kills with the PILA 11
Gold PILA Get 2 kills without dying 5 times with the PILA N/A
Platinum PILA Destroy 15 enemy killstreaks, equipment or vehicles with the PILA N/A
Polyatomic PILA Get 15 double kills with the PILA N/A
Orion PILA Complete 51 polyatomic camo challenges N/A
PILA★ PILA Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Strela-P Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Deep Jungle Get 40 kills with Strela-P 11
Gold Strela-P Get 2 kills without dying 5 times with the Strela-P N/A
Platinum Strela-P Destroy 25 enemy killstreaks, equipment or vehicles with the Strela-P N/A
Polyatomic Strela-P Get 15 double kills with the Strela-P N/A
Orion Strela-P Complete 51 polyatomic camo challenges N/A
STRELA-P★ STRELA-P Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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JOKR Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Azure Fray Get 40 kills with the JOKR 11
Gold JOKR Get 2 kills without dying 5 times with the JOKR N/A
Platinum JOKR Destroy 10 enemy killstreaks, equipment or vehicles with the JOKR N/A
Polyatomic JOKR Get 15 double kills with the JOKR N/A
Orion JOKR Complete 51 polyatomic camo challenges N/A
JOKR★ JOKR Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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RPG-7 Camo Challenges

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Jungle Digital Get 40 kills with RPG-7 11
Gold RPG-7 Get 2 kills without dying 5 tiimes with the RPG-7 N/A
Platinum RPG-7 Destroy 10 enemy killstreaks, equipment or vehicles with the RPG-7 N/A
Polyatomic RPG-7 Get 15 double kills with the RPG-7 N/A
Orion RPG-7 Complete 51 polyatomic camo challenges N/A
RPG-7★ RPG-7 Best Loadout and Class Build ★

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Call of Duty League Camo

Camo How to Get
Call of Duty League Weapon SkinCall of Duty League Can be acquired by purchasing the CDL Launch Pack via the in-game Shop.

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How to Unlock Base Camos

Unlock and Complete Challenges for Each Gun

Complete Camo Challenge

You'll first need to unlock challenges by reaching a particular level with a gun. Then, complete the challenge to unlock that Camo. Guns with attachments have 4 base Camos each to unlock, while weapons without attachments have 1 base Camo.

Base Camos Apply to All Weapons

All Unlocked Camos
While it may be a grind to unlock the Camo you want, the nice thing is that unlocking a particular Camo allows you to use it on any other weapon you've unlocked!

The list of all Base Camos you've unlocked is in the horizontal list on the right side of the Camo screen. Simply select the Camo from this list that you want to apply to your current weapon! If you're unable to apply a particular Camo, it's either because you haven't unlocked the Camo Challenge itself, or you haven't met the requirements to complete the Camo Challenge.

How to Unlock Mastery Camos


M4 Gold Camo

Complete all base camo challenges to unlock one more challenge. Complete this final challenge to unlock the Gold Camo. Note that Gold Camos can only be used with weapons you've completed the challenge for.
How to Unlock Gold Camo


M4 Platinum Camo

Once you've completed all Gold Camo challeges with a particular class of weapon (assault rifles, for example), you'll unlock a final challenge. Complete this challenge to unlock the Platinum Camo.


M4 Polyatomic Camo

Complete 51 Platinum Camo challenges to unlock Polyatomic Camo challenges, which, in turn, will unlock the Polyatomic Camo itself.


M4 Orion Camo

Complete 51 Polyatomic Camo challenges to unlock Orion Camo (without no extra challenges this time around).

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7 Anonymousover 2 years

RPK 50 Kills 10 Double Kills 50 suppressed 20 Mounted weapons kills

6 Smasherover 2 years

VEL: 50 Kills, 50 Kills ADS, 15 Hipfire Kills, 10 Double Kills SAKIN: 50 Kills, 30 Kills Prone, 10 Double Kills, 50 Kills Using Supressor PDSW 528: 50 Kills, 50 Kills ADS, 15 Hipfire Kills, 10 Point Blank Kills HCR: 50 Kills, 50 Kills ADS, 10 Double Kills, 20 Kills While Mounted Lach Sub: 50 Kills, 10 Double Kills, 50 Kills Using Supressor, 10 Hipfire Kills 9K: 50 Kills, 50 Kills ADS, 10 Double Kills, 15 Hipfire Kills Hurricane: 50 Kills, 50 Kills Using Supressor, 50 Kills ADS, 30


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