Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Breenbergh Hotel Map Guide

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Breenbergh Hotel is a 6v6 map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to see the full interactive map and all locations, and all game mode objectives for Breenbergh Hotel.

Breenbergh Hotel Interactive Map

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Breenbergh Hotel Map Overview

Breenbergh HotelBreenbergh Hotel
Amsterdam Hotel and Spa : Day 52, 11:23
A luxury hotel accessed via private parking or airlift descent. An open-air interior that can favor aerial killstreaks.
Map Basic Info
Game Modes: Team Deathmatch, Domination, Prisoner Rescue, Knock Out, Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, Control, Cyber Attack, Bounty
Players: 6v6
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Factions Deployed: SpecGru & KorTac
Map Size: Medium

Breenbergh Hotel Strategies

Create a Defensive Perimeter Around the Penthouse

Modern Warfare 2 - Hotel Bar Penthouse

There is a small room on the Penthouse floor that is overlooking the hotel bar where firefights will most likely take place throughout the match.

You can simply camp the area and start shooting at enemies who are unaware of your location.

Place Claymores near the two doors leading to the room or have another teammate with you to watch the doorways for any enemy infiltration.

Use Shotguns to Clear Out Rooms

Modern Warfare 2 - Hotel Shotgun Interiors

In game modes such as Domination, you will have to capture control points that will be heavily defended by enemies. Some of them will be camping and waiting for you behind doors.

Utilizing the effectiveness of shotguns at close-quarters will greatly help you in clearing out rooms lurking with enemies.

It might also help to toss a flashbang before making an entry as this will blind them making it easier for you to kill them.

Camp and Hide at Room Corners

Modern Warfare 2 - Hotel Corner

The interior areas of the Breenbergh Hotel has a lot of tight corners that are easily missed out on. Enemies passing by usually do not check them resulting in a perfect opportunity to secure easy frags.

Recommended Gun Loadouts

Primary Secondary
FSS Hurricane .50 GS
While the hotel itself is filled with enclosed rooms, the hallways are long and narrow, so using the FSS Hurricane is a good all-around SMG that can adapt at any range. Switch to your .50 GS to one-shot kill enemies that are huddled together in the narrow corridors of the map.

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