Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Makarov Reveal: Ending and No Russian Post-Credit Scene Explained

Modern Warfare 2 - Vladimir Makarov Ending and Post Credits Explained

With the introduction of Makarov in the ending of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and an ominous post-credits scene featuring the infamous No Russian line, things are setting up for a massive finale to the entire trilogy. Read on to understand what happened in MW2's ending and what this means for the future of the series.

This page contains spoilers for the endgame of
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2).

Modern Warfare 2 Ending Explained

Shepherd is Off the Grid

Shepherd Off the Grid

In the aftermath of the final mission, Task Force 141 is seen at a bar, having drinks, and lamenting how Shepherd had slipped past their fingers.

A New Enemy: Makarov

A New Enemy

Then, Kate Laswell mentions that they now have an even bigger enemy: Russian ultra-nationalists led by “someone new”. Captain Price responds by saying he's not new, then passes the photo around to his team, who seem to recognize him. Price then explains that the man is called Makarov.

Who is Makarov?

Who is Makarov

Makarov has not made an appearance in the Modern Warfare reboot yet, but in the original Modern Warfare trilogy, Vladimir Makarov was a central antagonist.

He was responsible for triggering the nuclear bomb, a very well-known scene, in the Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare mission, “Shock and Awe”, as well as the instigator of the infamous mission “No Russian” in the 2009 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, where players were made to gun down people in an airport.

Modern Warfare 2 Post Credits Scene Explained

Plane Hijacking

Hijackers Are Served a Meal

A flight attendant serves meals to three suspicious men on a plane. One of them we see then begins to build a handgun from parts he smuggled onto the plane. The food he was served happens to have a handgun magazine stuck to it, which implies the flight attendant was in on the job.

A Message from M: No Russian

The man then checks his phone and sees a message from a person labeled “M”, which could only be Makarov. The message reads, “No Russian”, which is the man's cue to begin his mission, and also a reference to the infamous 2009 Modern Warfare 2 mission.

The man dunks the burner phone into his drink, which then destroys the phone. Then, the three men, now wielding handmade handguns, stand up and begin their takeover of the plane.

Makarov in MW3

Makarov in MW3

This revelation has made it certain that Makarov will, indeed, return to the series in the trilogy's finale, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

Fans are excited for Makarov's return, as he was one of the best antagonists to have ever appeared in a Call of Duty game, if not the very best one.

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