Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Must Be Wind Trophy & Achievement Guide

Modern Warfare 2 - Must be Wind Achievement Guide

Must Be Wind is a trophy/achievement in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) that requires you to rescue the hostages without the enemies firing back in the Countdown mission. Read on to see the video playthrough and learn how to get this achievement easily!

Must Be Wind Achievement Information

Modern Warfare 2 - Must Be Wind Achievement
How to Get Rescue the hostages in 'Countdown' without the enemies firing their weapons.
Mission Countdown

How to Get Must Be Wind Achievement

Must Be Wind Achievement Video Playthrough

How to Kill Enemies on Each Floor

Enemies on the First Floor

How to Kill Enemies
Move down slightly to the left after hooking up the rope.
Wait for the two enemies to move to the hostage to the left.
Shoot them down once they line up for a shot.

Enemies on the Second Floor

How to Kill Enemies
Go slightly to the right where you can see one enemy inside the room and one on the hallway.
Wait for those enemies to line up or you can shoot them separately. Just make it quick so the others won't notice it.
Move to the other side of the room where you can see two enemies inside the room.
Be patient and wait for them to line up then shoot them down.

Enemies on the Third Floor

How to Kill Enemies
Go to the right corner where you can see all the targets.
Wait for the two enemies nearby to line up before you shoot them.
Look for the other three on the left side without leaving your current location.
Adjust your position if needed and wait for all of them to line up. Take the shot once you get a clean angle on them.

Play on Recruit Difficulty

Modern Warfare 2 - Countdown Recruit Difficulty
Enemies on Recruit Difficulty take time before they notice you and dead bodies on the floor, making it the best difficulty to get the Must Be Wind achievement. You can select it before entering the stage or change it while the mission is ongoing through the settings menu.

Wait for Enemies to Line Up Then Shoot

You can wait for the enemies to line up to kill multiple enemies in one shot. Make sure to observe the situation on each floor before you shoot them, or it will alert some enemies if you fail, and they might fire back.

Load from the Last Checkpoint If You Fail

Modern Warfare 2 - Last Checkpoint
If you fail to prevent enemies from shooting you, you can always load from the last checkpoint and continue your progress in that area. You can reload it infinitely, so don't worry if you fail several times!

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