Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

List of Game Modes

warzone 2.0 game modes mw2
Warzone 2.0 will be launching with both the Warzone Battle Royale game mode and a new DMZ Extraction game mode. Read on to learn more about Warzone 2.0's game modes, how their gameplay works, and changes made from the previous Warzone.

List of Warzone 2.0 Game Modes

Battle Royale

Warzone 2.0
The main game mode of Warzone 2.0 is the Battle Royale of the same name. Battle Royale has a player count of 150 to 152, which depends on the BR game mode you'll participate. You'll drop into a large map called Al Mazrah, where you'll need to fight against other Operators.

Similar to the previous Warzone, you'll spawn with just a pistol, but you can pick up weapons from the ground or purchase loadouts from buy stations. You'll need to be the last player or last team standing to win.

If you die, allies can either buy you back to life at a buy station or you can win in a match-up called the Gulag, which is against other players. However, the Gulag in Warzone 2.0 will be different compared to the original since it will be a 2v2 instead of a 1v1. There will also be a strong AI enemy that you can kill to respawn. If the Gulag match takes too long, a Juggernaut will spawn in and try to kill all four of you.

How to Play Battle Royale


dmz mw2
DMZ is an Extraction mode where you'll be dropping into a map with a loadout of your choosing. This mode has a max player count of 100, and will also have AI enemies scattered in different areas. You'll be given specific objectives that will reward you with better gear. Once you've completed your objectives or obtained enough loot, you need to reach an extraction point to bring them back to base.

If you die, you can lose both your loot and your current loadout, which enemies can then steal from your corpse. Progress will be carried from match to match, so as you get better loot, you increase your chances of survival in future games.
DMZ Release Date and Gameplay Info

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List of Warzone 2.0 Game Modes

Warzone 2.0 Game Modes
Warzone 2.0 DMZ


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