Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Major Hassan Zyani (Ibrahim Renno) Character Info

Modern Warfare 2 - Major Hassan Zyani (Ibrahim Renno) Character Info

Hassan Zyani is a character in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to see Hassan Zyani's full bio and voice actor, and learn more about Hassan Zyani and his role in the game!

Major Hassan Zyani Character Info

Hassan Zyani Basic Info

Hassan Zyani
Hassan Zyani
Character Bio
Voice Actor Ibrahim Renno
Aliases Hassan
Factions Quds Force, Cartel
Rank Major
Nationality Iranian
Gender Male
Eyes Brown

Quds Force Major Fallen into Terrorism

Modern Warfare 2 - Hassan
Hassan Zyani is a Major of the Quds Force of Iran. He wants to seek revenge after General Ghorbani's death during the weapons exchange between Iran and Russia in Strike mission campaign.

Hassan is planning to exact his revenge using all the ballistic missiles he illegally acquired from the US. However, Task Force 141 and Shadow Company, with Laswell and Shepherd leading them, will do everything they can to stop him.

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