Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

El Sin Nombre Mission Walkthrough

Modern Warfare 2 - El Sin Nombre Walkthrough

El Sin Nombre is a campaign story mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (MW2). Read on for a complete walkthrough of El Sin Nombre including tips for beating the mission on Realism Difficulty, a list of achievements, the interrogation answers, as well as a list of weapons you can find & use.

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Violence and Timing Dark Water

El Sin Nombre Overview

Mission Information

El Sin Nombre
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - El Sin Nombre
Description Soap, Alejandro, Ghost and Graves hatch a plan to infiltrate the home of a Las Almas cartel lieutenant in search of the elusive El Sin Nombre.
Place Las Almas, Mexico
Date & Time 01 November 2022, 2300
Character Soap
Completion Reward Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Double XP TokenDouble XP Token

Starting Weapon Loadout

Tactical Knife

Alejandro will give you a Tactical Knife that can be used for stealth takedowns, after you complete the interrogation sequence and reach the 1st Floor of El Sin Nombre's compound.

El Sin Nombre Walkthrough

El Sin Nombre Realism Difficulty Playthrough

Complete Mission Walkthrough

1 Modern Warfare 2 - Follow Diego
Follow Diego until you get to the room with Valeria. Go inside the room and take a seat.
2 Modern Warfare 2 - Answer Valeria
Valeria will conduct the interrogation and ask you 4 questions. Answer the first 3 truthfully while the last can be any of the choices she gives you.
Answers to the Interrogation Questions
Q1: Who attacked us?
A: It was Mexican Special Forces.
Q2: There were outsiders helping the Mexican Special Forces. Who were they?
A: American PMCs. Shadow Company.
Q3: Who leads Shadow Company?
A: Philip Graves.
3 Modern Warfare 2 - Follow them to the elevator
Follow Valeria and Diego back to the elevator. They will head to the penthouse while you're let off on the 1st floor where Alejandro will be waiting for you.
4 Modern Warfare 2 - First door on the left
After talking to Alejandro, walk down the hall and enter the first room to your left.
Make your way to the kitchen. Pick up a few bottles from the counter to use as a distraction for the guard outside.
Throw the bottle in the hall to get the guard on the stairs to investigate. Once the coast is clear, exit the kitchen. There should be 2 AC units to your right that you can use to get to the roof of the garage.
Once you're on top of the garage, make your way to the hall on the 2nd floor and enter the room on your left. Do be warned, sometimes a guard taking a smoke break waits here. If this is the case, wait for him to leave before heading into the room.
In that room, you can find a throwing knife on the table to your left. Take the throwing knife as it will allow you to perform stealth takedowns.
Walk out of the room and head to the room with the pool table. There will be guards patrolling the area so just keep crouching and wait for them to walk away.
From the room with the pool table, walk towards the guard by the hall and use your throwing knife on him.
Open the door, and kill the guard by the window with the throwing knife then perform a takedown on Diego.
12 Modern Warfare 2 - Take the keycard
Take the keycard on the ofrenda right in front of you.
Take the open window out of the room and drop back down to the 1st floor.
14 Modern Warfare 2 - Reconvene with Alejandro
Meet up with Alejandro and take the elevator to the penthouse.
15 Modern Warfare 2 - Breach the penthouse
Once you get to the penthouse, get the gun from the guard Alejandro will kill. Breach the room and capture El Sin Nombre. Do note there will be a total of 3 guards inside including an additional heavy soldier that spawns in the hallway after Valeria leaves.

▶ Next Mission: Dark Water

Interrogation Answers

Question #1 - Mexican Special Forces

MW2 - El Sin Nombre - Mexican Special Forces
For the first question, Valeria will ask Soap who attacked them in the mountains (alluding to the Cartel Protection mission). There are three options during this sequence:

  • It was Mexican Special Forces
  • It was the Mexican Army
  • It was Cartel

The correct answer will be the Mexican Special Forces option.

Question #2 - American PMCs. Shadow Company

MW2 - El Sin Nombre - American PMCs
For the first question, Valeria will ask Soap about the 'outsiders' that helped the Mexican Special Forces during the engagement. The following are the three options during this interaction:

  • Your Competitors
  • They work alone
  • American PMCs. Shadow Company

For this question, the correct answer will be the American PMCs. Shadow Company option.

Question #3 - Philip Graves

MW2 - El Sin Nombre - Philip Graves
For the third and final question, Valeria will ask about the leader of Shadow Company. The last question will also have three possible options:

  • Philip Graves
  • Alejandro Vargas
  • Ghost

To proceed with the mission, answer Philip Graves.

Two Wrong Answers Will Compromise the Mission

MW2 - El Sin Nombre - Two Wrong Answers
Making a mistake during the interrogation will not lead to a mission fail right away. Instead, Valeria will ask a follow-up question to give the player another chance.

However, if Soap provides the wrong answer for a second consecutive time he will be shot and the mission will restart at the last checkpoint.

How to Beat El Sin Nombre in Realism Difficulty

Realism Difficulty Tips

Pick Up and Use Bottles to Distract the Guards

Pick Up Bottles

There will be at least 2 instances where you have to distract guards using bottles. To get a few, head on over to the dining room where you can find 4 bottles. Use these to get the guard near the stairs to move, allowing you to sneak outside and onto the AC units undetected.

Wait for the Balcony Guard to Leave

Wait for the Guard to Leave

The guard waiting on the balcony leading to the 2nd floor will take a quick smoke break. Stay crouched and hidden until he walks back inside the structure. Do not try to cross while he is outside since the balcony railing is not high enough to conceal you.

Go for the Trellis and Climb the Roof

Go for the Trellis

With the guard out of sight, use the ladder on the trellis to climb up to the roof. This is the safest way to make it to El Sin Nombre while avoiding detection. Getting the keycard requires you to fight while heading to the Garage only equips you with weapons you can't use stealthily.

Distract the Guards on the Roof Immediately

Once you're on the roof, immediately chuck a bottle in front of the 3 guards to distract them. Move to the bar while they're distracted then, from there, head up the ladder to get to the elevator shaft.

Pre-Aim the Heavy Armor Soldier in the Penthouse

Pre-aim the Heavy

When you breach and clear El Sin Nombre's office there will be a total of 4 guards (including Diego) inside. Kill Diego and 2 others before pre-aiming the hallway to the right of the room. A heavily armored soldier will emerge from here so make sure to aim for his head and drop him quickly.

Note: There is a trigger error when shooting enemies inside the room before Valeria escapes. If you shoot the guard who helps Valeria and the one to the left of the room, their deaths will be delayed until Valeria is on the roof (they will look alive but then ragdoll after a second or two).

El Sin Nombre Achievements


Modern Warfare 2 - Ghost-in-Training Ghost-in-Training
Reach the penthouse in 'El Sin Nombre' without killing anyone or triggering the alarm.

While there are many ways of getting to the penthouse, Ghost suggests you use the trellis out by the garage and climb to the roof. It is best to take his suggestion as this is the easiest way of getting to the penthouse while getting the Ghost-in-Training.

Patience is key in getting this achievement as you will need to wait for the guards to walk past your path. You can find bottles placed around the area and we recommend picking them up as they can be used to distract the guards.

Weapons Found in El Sin Nombre

All Weapons in the Level

All Weapons
.50 GS.50 GS Bryson 800Bryson 800 Expedite 12Expedite 12 Kastov 762Kastov 762
Kastov-74uKastov-74u Lachmann SubLachmann Sub Lockwood 300Lockwood 300 M16M16
SP-R 208SP-R 208 VEL 46VEL 46 Victus XMRVictus XMR X12X12

The Garage Armory Has a Crossbow


The armory inside the garage will have a Crossbow you can pick up and use. You can find it next to the suppressed variants of the P890, Bryson 800, and SP-R 208.

Diego Drops a Custom Gold-Plated .50 GS

Gold-Plated 50 GS

If you kill Diego during this mission he will drop a custom, gold-plated .50 GS. It is both flashy and loud so make sure to only use it if you plan to fight off alerted guards in the compound.

A Custom Skin P890 Can be Found at the Ofrenda

Custom P890

Inside the ofrenda where you find Diego will be a small shelf. Open it to reveal a custom P890 with a white weapon skin. It will come with a suppressor and weapon sight.

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Modern Warfare 2 - Campaign Missions Banner.png

Campaign Story Walkthrough

All Campaign Missions

List of Campaign Missions
1 Strike
2 Kill or Capture
3 Wetwork
4 Tradecraft
5 Borderline
6 Cartel Protection
7 Close Air
8 Hardpoint
9 Recon by Fire
10 Violence and Timing
11 El Sin Nombre
12 Dark Water
13 Alone
14 Prison Break
15 Hindsight
16 Ghost Team
17 Countdown


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