Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Kill or Capture Mission Walkthrough

Modern Warfare 2 - Kill or Capture Walkthrough

Kill or Capture is a campaign story mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (MW2). Read on for a complete walkthrough of Kill or Capture including tips for beating the mission on Realism Difficulty, a list of achievements, how to fix the Stay With Your Squad Bug, as well as a list of weapons you can find & use.

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Strike Wetwork

Kill or Capture Overview

Mission Information

Kill or Capture
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Kill or Capture
Description Ghost and Soap lead the MARSOC marines on a mission to kill or capture terrorist leader Major Hassan Zyani.
Place Al-Mazrah, U.R.A.
Date & Time 28 October 2022, 0130
Character Soap
Completion Reward Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - WhatWhat's Done is Done Emblem

Starting Weapon Loadout

EBR-14 VEL 46

Kill or Capture Walkthrough

Kill or Capture Realism Difficulty Playthrough

Complete Mission Walkthrough

Walk through the field and wait for the chopper to crash down.
Go to the nearby house and secure the building.
Most of the enemies inside are hiding in the corners or near doors. Proceed with caution.
After clearing the first house, go to the next one on the other side and secure it as well. You can snipe the enemies in the windows first before moving in.
Go to the crash site and prepare for combat. Refill your ammo and set up traps using the Proximity Mines.
Survive three waves of attacks before you can move to the next objective.
Stay close to your squadmates and follow them to the next building. You might encounter a bug here, so try to follow the next objective without doing any detours to avoid it.
There will be snipers shooting down from the top of the building. Take them all out to proceed.
Wait for the helicopter to attack the building before you go in. Clear out the area by killing all the enemies inside. Be careful with sneaky enemies!
Read the document in the last room, then regroup with your team and go inside the nearby factory. Make sure to turn off your Night Vision, as you won't see anything once inside.
There will be a lot of enemies inside. Use your utilities to take them all out immediately and efficiently.
Open the blue cargo on the first floor to finish the mission and proceed to the next one.

▶ Next Mission: Wetwork

Stay With Your Squad Bug Fix

Stay With Your Squad Bug

MW2 - Kill or Capture - Stay with Squad Bug
In the Kill or Capture mission, players have been reporting a bug encounter during the very first objective of the game. Ghost will remain stationary after providing instructions to the squad, preventing the mission from advancing.

Load From Last Checkpoint

Modern Warfare 2 - Load from Last Checkpoint
The easiest and fastest way to fix this bug is to load from your last checkpoint. If it doesn't fix the problem, you might be at the wrong place so try to follow the objective by going through the marker.

Restart the Game

Modern Warfare 2 - Restart Game
If loading from your last checkpoint didn't do the trick, try restarting the game to fix it. Make sure everything is saved first before closing and running the game again to avoid losing progress!

Verify Integrity of Game Files

Modern Warfare 2 - Verify Game Files Integrity
There also might be some corrupted files that the game can't read. You can try verifying integrity of the game files to see check, repair, and redownload any corrupted files.

Ghost Stuck in Helicopter Bug Fix

Ghost Stuck in Helicopter Bug

MW2 Kill or Capture - Ghost is Stuck

After clearing the second house, Soap will be tasked to secure the crash site with Ghost to help out squadmates injured near the helicopter. After withstanding three waves of attacks, a bug might occur wherein Ghost does not leave the crash site. This will prevent the mission from progressing.

Stay Close to Ghost

MW2 Kill or Capture - Stay Close to Ghost
Some player reports suggest that staying close to Ghost during this portion of the mission will prevent any bugs from occuring. This strategy may also be effective for any bug that involves Ghost maintaining a stationary position.

Load From Last Checkpoint

MW2 Kill or Capture - Last Checkpoint
One way of dealing with this bug is by restarting to the last checkpoint. Fortunately, the last checkpoint will start at the last wave of attacks when air support deals with the enemy vehicles. If the bug still occurs, it is recommended to restart the entire mission or re-launch the game.

How to Beat Kill or Capture in Realism Difficulty

Realism Difficulty Tips

Mount Your Gun for Easier Kills

MW2 - Kill or Secure - Mounting for Easier Kills
When clearing the buildings, enemies will be hiding in tight corners or near doors. It is helpful to mount Soap's weapon in these spaces as engaging enemies head on will have Soap absorb considerble damage.

Mounting can be done close to objects such as boxes, doors, ledges, and windows. Peeking over objects provides the player with a favorable angle when engaging gun fights, limiting the vantage point of enemies.

Use the VEL 46 for Close-Range Gunfights

MW2 Kill or Secure - Use the VEL 46 in Close Range Gunfights
The VEL 46 submachine gun is your starting loadout's secondary for this mission. It is better suited for interior spaces and it deploys a laser sight when in night vision mode. Make use of this gun when clearing out buildings in the mission.

Eliminate Enemies Flanking the Crash Site First

During this portion of the mission, the player will have to withstand three waves of attack. You do not need to worry about enemies pushing the crashed helo. Instead, focus on killing any enemy that flanks the open doorway and leave the brunt of the fighting to your AI squadmates.

When enemy vehicles start rolling in, simply await for air support as it will be difficult to engage in gunfights during this portion.

Use Night Vision and Teammate to Secure Third House

MW2 - Kill or Secure - Clearing the Third House
In the third house, clear the first floor, then use night vision goggles on the second floor. Given the dark lighting in this floor, activating the night vision goggles will allow Soap to spot enemies quicker.

The last enemy is in the 'outside' portion of the house in a room to the right. He'll trigger once you step over the doorway, so walk backward quickly or go prone and let your teammates clear him out (otherwise Soap will die instantly).

Kill or Capture Achievements

No Obtainable Achievements

There are no achievements in Kill or Capture campaign mission.

Weapons Found in Kill or Capture

All Weapons
Bryson 800Bryson 800 Expedite 12Expedite 12 Kastov 762Kastov 762 Kastov-74uKastov-74u
Lockwood 300Lockwood 300 M16M16 M4M4 MinibakMinibak
RAPP HRAPP H TAQ-56TAQ-56 X13 AutoX13 Auto

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Campaign Story Walkthrough

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List of Campaign Missions
1 Strike
2 Kill or Capture
3 Wetwork
4 Tradecraft
5 Borderline
6 Cartel Protection
7 Close Air
8 Hardpoint
9 Recon by Fire
10 Violence and Timing
11 El Sin Nombre
12 Dark Water
13 Alone
14 Prison Break
15 Hindsight
16 Ghost Team
17 Countdown


1 Anonymousabout 2 years

Yeah hi so in the kill or capture mission where you run past those buildings on the left infront of the barrier there is a ebr sitting in front of a door which is cool you forgot to add that one too you physically have to run and find a way out of the map to get it


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