Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Recon Drone: How to Get and Use

Recon Drone is a Field Upgrade equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the Recon Drone in the game!

Recon Drone Overview

Recon Drone Basic Info

Recon DroneRecon Drone Type Field Upgrade
Unlock Lv. Unlocked by default.
Recharge Speed Slow Recharge
Description Remote-controlled drone that has manual and auto marking capabilities.

How to Use Recon Drone

Scan Areas From a Distance

Recon Drone is best to use to scout the area and mark enemies. Place it as high as it can get so enemies will have a harder time spotting it.

Stick it With C4

You can create a makeshift Bomb Drone if you stick a C4 to a Recon Drone. Move it then to a group of enemies to take them all out at once!

How to Counter Recon Drone

Activate DDOS

Activating DDOS will temporarily disable the Recon Drone, preventing it from marking your team and moving. Once it stops moving, shoot it down with any weapon to destroy it.

Use PILA Launcher

PILA can also track down a Recon Drone. You can equip it to your loadout and use it to destroy the drone. It is also a great alternative if your saving your Primary Weapon's ammo.
PILA Best Loadout and Attachments

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