Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Gunless Trophy & Achievement Guide

Modern Warfare 2 - Gunless Achievement and Trophy Guide

Gunless is an obtainable achievement during the Alone mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (MW2). Read on to learn how to complete the Alone campaign mission without firing a gun!

Gunless Achievement Information

Gunless Achievement
How to Get Finish 'Alone' without firing a gun.
Mission Alone

How to Complete the Gunless Achievement

Gunless Achievement Video Playthrough

How to Complete Alone Without Firing a Gun

Alone Mission Areas
Starting Area Fountain Area
Restaurant Plaza Flooded Tunnel
Church Plaza

Click on any of the links to jump to an area!

Starting Area with Shadow Company Mercenaries

Alone - Starting Area

The Shadow Company Mercenaries in the first area can be ignored. You will not have a weapon until you reach the fountain area, so it is best to stick to stealth and gather what materials you can in this starting area.

Note: After you first enter a locked house using a Pry Tool, you will be tasked to exit through a door to enter the kitchen. To avoid combat during this section, make sure to only enter the kitchen after you hear the 2 Shadow Company Mercenaries talking to Graves say Yup yup.

Fountain Area

Alone - Fountain Area

The fountain area is where the real stealth portion begins. To safely navigate this area you will have to secure a sharp weapon from either of the 2 locations below, as well as craft at least 2 C4 Mines and 1Smoke Bomb.

Sharp Weapon Location

Normal Knife Location

Veteran or Realism Knife Location

Once you have these secure, you can go ahead and kill the 2 guards at the start, while using either C4 or the Smoke Bomb to bypass the 3 guards blocking your way to the next area.

Restaurant Plaza

Alone - Restaurant Plaza

The Restaurant Plaza is a bit trickier. The goal is to get to the canal opposite the restaurant while avoiding the Shadow Company Mercenaries patrolling the area. The safest place to pass through will be the right edge of the map. Go through the building and use your knife to take care of any soldiers you encounter.

Note: This area gets a bit difficult to navigate by stealth since the game likes giving you random checkpoints if you take too long moving from area to area. If all else fails and the guards are alerted, you can use smokes bombs to stun them before running to the canal area.

Flooded Tunnel

Alone - Flooded Tunnel

The Flooded Tunnel is probably the easiest section as you can avoid the guards by simply swimming underwater. Hide behind the first pillar you see in the tunnel and wait for the first 2 armored soldiers to pass. Once they've passed you, swim ahead and kill the last 2 guards in the tunnel.

Note. Getting the prompt to takedown these guards will be a bit finicky as the game sometimes bugs out and refuses to give you the option. If this happens, make sure to stay underwater and swim away otherwise they will detect and shoot you.

Church Plaza

Alone - Church Plaza

The get past all the soldiers in the Church Plaza and meet up with Ghost, simply take a right into the first alley you see and pass through the different shops until you reach an area further up the street. The enemy soldiers will spawn on the street, so going through the shops will be the safest option.

Once you link up with Ghost, go through the right section of the plaza (your back facing the church). Fewer soldiers will spawn here and you can use the Smoke Bombs to clear a path to the vehicle. Rush the vehicle and Ghost will follow soon after. Once the prompt is available, get in the passenger side to complete the mission.

Gunless Achievement Tips

How to Get Keys

Using the Crossbow Fails the Achievement

While it can be tempting to use the Crossbow you find in one of the safes in Alone, the game still considers it a gun. Firing it will automatically fail this achievement.

Rely on Throwing Knives and Smoke Bombs

If you're planning to fight enemies instead of avoiding them, Throwing Knives and Smoke Bombs will be your most useful tools for combat. Throwing Knives will instantly kill and Smoke Bombs can stun enemies so you can reposition or even get closer to melee them.

Let Enemies Come to You

You'll want to play defensively if you're on higher difficulties. Take cover and wait for enemy patrols to pass you or get near enough to you that they're in melee range. Remember there's no need to rush through the mission so patience will be a good strategy.

Play on Recruit Difficulty

If you are looking to accomplish this achievement with ease, it would be best to choose the Recruit difficulty. You'll have more health to tank hits, and enemies will be less aware of their surroundings.

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