Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Latest News & Events

Modern Warfare 2 - Latest News and Events

Check here to see all the latest news and game info about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2), which releases on October 27, 2022. Read on to see the latest news about Modern Warfare 2, including the game's release date, all new features, available platforms, game editions, and more!

Latest News & Events

Season 2 is Now Live!

Season 2 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0 is now live and available to play across supported platforms! Season 2 launches with a brand new battle pass, a new BR and DMZ map called Ashika Island, as well as a series of content and balance updates for both MW2 Multiplayer and Warzone 2.0.

Season 2 Update Patch Notes

Shipment 24/7 is Back!

MW2 - Shipment Map

Shipment is back in the map rotation and available to play 24/7 across all Multiplayer game modes! Previously, this map was removed with the addition of Shoot House but it has officially made its return in the game.

Shipment Map Guide

Cyber Attack is Now Live in the Game!

Modern Warfare 2 - Control Game Mode

Cyber Attack is a brand new game mode available to play in Multiplayer where two teams will have to race towards an EMP Device (Bomb) and plant it at the opposing team's Data Center.

How to Play Cyber Attack

CDL Moshpit is Live This Week!

Modern Warfare 2 - How to Play CDL Moshpit.png

CDL Moshpit is a game mode where players in teams of 4 can practice for Modern Warfare 2 Ranked Mode. It features all the official maps and ruleset without affecting your Skill Rating.

How to Play CDL Moshpit

Messi, Pogba, and Neymar Jr Operator Bundles are Live!

Warzone 2.0 - Neymar, Messi, and Pogba Operators
Play as your favorite football fiend with the new Messi, Pogba, and Neymar Jr Operator Bundles. In addition to exclusive Operator skins, each bundle comes with a plethora of other customizable goodies, including Weapon Blueprints, Vehicle Skins, Emblems, Stickers, and even Finishing Moves.

How to Get Neymar, Messi, and Pogba Operators

List of Current Promotions

Modern Warfare 2 - Event Duration
A list of all ongoing promotions. Earn double XP, exclusive Operator skins, CoD Points, and more!

List of All Promotions

Ranked Play Coming in 2023

Ranked Play - Competitive
Ranked matchmaking via a skill-based ELO system, Leaderboards, competitive rewards, and more - all confirmed to be coming sometime in 2023!

Ranked Play Update

Available in Standard, Cross-Gen, & Vault Editions

Modern Warfare 2 - Vault Edition

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available to purchase in either Standard, Cross-Gen, or Vault Editions. Read on for a full list of associated retailers for all editions including prices, included content, and platform availability!

All Available Modern Warfare 2 Editions

Recommended System Requirements

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - System Requirements

Modern Warfare 2 launches with some beefy system requirements for the PC. Find out whether you can run Modern Warfare 2 on max graphics by comparing your system to the minimum & recommended system requirements!

All System Requirements: Can You Run Modern Warfare 2?

Open Beta Rewards

View Full Size Image

Rewards in the open beta were unlocked by earning EXP and leveling up an Operator. All rewards players earned during the beta will be available to claim on launch day (Oct. 27, 2022) and later in November for Warzone 2.0.

However, do note that only those who participated and leveled up in the beta will be able to receive these open beta rewards. Unfortunately, new players will not have access to the rewards on launch.

Modern Warfare 2 Open Beta Rewards

Crossplay is Available

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will feature full crossplay support for all of its platforms. Read on to learn more details about this feature, and how to enable it!

Is There Crossplay?

All Available Platforms

Modern Warfare 2 - All Platforrms

Modern Warfare 2 is a multi-platform title that launches for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and the PC. Read on to learn all about the differences between each of the supported platforms!

All Available Platforms

Is Campaign Co-Op Available?

Single Player Only
The campaign of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 unfortunately does not support campaign co-op as it is touted as a single-player-only experience by the developers.

Anyone who preorders a digital edition of Modern Warfare II will receive early Campaign access. This grants you up to a week to complete the incredible multimission, single-player, globe-trotting operation before the full game launches.
Source: MW2 Official Site

MW2 will have other co-op modes, though, like Special Ops and Raids, and possibly more to come in the future.

Is Campaign Co-Op Available?

Trailers & Gameplay Videos

Take a sneak peek at the latest official gameplay footage and announcements trailers that have released for the game, including previews of MW2's campaign and multiplayer!

List of Trailers & Gameplay Videos

All News & Game Info

Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) Related Guides

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Wiki Top

Main Links
Modern Warfare 2 - News Partial BannerLatest News & Events Modern Warfare 2 - Tips and Tricks Partial BannerTips & Tricks
Modern Warfare 2 - MapsMultiplayer Maps Modern Warfare 2 - Campaign Missions Banner.pngCampaign Missions
Modern Warfare 2 - All CharactersCharacters & Operators Modern Warfare 2 - Trophies and Achievements partialTrophies & Achievements
Modern Warfare 2 - All WeaponsWeapons Updates and Patch NotesUpdates and Patch Notes
Modern Warfare 2 - All Multiplayer Game Modes Partial BannerMultiplayer Game Modes Modern Warfare 2 - Bugs and Bug Fixes Bugs and Bug Fixes
Modern Warfare 2 - AttachmentsAttachments Modern Warfare 2 - BlueprintsBlueprints
Modern Warfare 2 - Spec Ops Partial BannerSpec Ops Missions Modern Warfare 2 - EquipmentEquipment
Modern Warfare 2 - Warzone 2.0 BannerWarzone 2.0 Modern Warfare 2 - Shop BundlesShop Bundles
Modern Warfare 2 - RaidsRaids


1 Osmondabout 2 years

The game is great and I can highly recommend playing it. I'm very happy that they refreshed this game, so I recommend playing it because it's really worth it:


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