Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

How to Play Gun Game

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Gun Game is a Season 2 party-only game mode available in private matches for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn more about Gun Game, how to play it, and the best tips & strategies for this game mode!

How to Play Gun Game

Can Only Be Played in Private Matches

Modern Warfare 2 - Gun Game Alternate Modes Tab

Since Gun Game is one of the three party game modes that came along with the Season 2 update, players will only launch the mode in private lobbies. The option for a Gun Game match can be found under the Alternate Modes tab in the private matches menu.

How to Create a Gun Game Lobby

  • Select Private Match
  • Create a Private Match
  • Go to the Alternate Modes tab found on the top middle of the menu.
  • Select Gun Game

Gun Game Overview

Modern Warfare 2 - Gun Game Mode

No. of Players 6 Players (Free-for-All)
Objectives Be the first to achieve a Throwing Knife Kill to win the match.

Gun Game is a free-for-all game mode where players will have to progress through an 18-weapon rotation pool by successfully getting kills with ranged weapons and be the first to get a throwing knife kill on the last rotation to win the match.

Each Ranged Elimination advances a player through the rotation and awards them with a different weapon to use. Melee Kills on opponents will downgrade them one step back in the rotation.

With each weapon gained, the match can either be favourable or at a disadvantage to you as the guns in the weapon rotation are random and could either be useful or useless depending on what current guns your opponents are using in the game.

List of Gun Game Maps

List of All Maps
Farm 18Farm 18 Valderas MuseumValderas Museum
Mercado Las AlmasMercado Las Almas
Breenbergh HotelBreenbergh Hotel Al Bagra FortressAl Bagra Fortress Crown RacewayCrown Raceway
El AsiloEl Asilo EmbassyEmbassy Santa Sena Border CrossingSanta Sena Border Crossing
Zarqwa HydroelectricZarqwa Hydroelectric TaraqTaraq Shoot HouseShoot House
ShipmentShipment Dome

Tips & Strategies for Gun Game

Melee Upclose to Demote Your Enemies

Use the opportunity to knife your opponents at close-quarters to bring them one step back in their weapon rotation to slow down their progress in getting to the last weapon rotation - giving you a chance to win the race to being the first player to get a throwing knife in Gun Game!

Use the Throwing Knife on Unaware Opponents

On the 18th weapon rotation you'll be equipped with a combat knife and a throwing knife as your utility, leaving you vulnerable against players with guns as they can simply shoot you as you approach them.

The key to getting a successful throwing knife win is to throw them at unaware opponents. Wait for your foes to engage with another enemy player so you'll get a clear opportunity to use the throwing knife without worrying about getting gunned down from a distance.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (MW2) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 2 - All Multiplayer Game Modes Partial Banner

All Multiplayer Game Modes

List of All Multiplayer Game Modes

Multiplayer Game Modes
Team Deathmatch Prisoner Rescue
Domination Knock Out
Invasion Hardpoint
Ground War Search and Destroy
CDL Moshpit Control
Cyber Attack Bounty
Infected Gun Game


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