Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Throwing Knife: How to Get and Use

Throwing Knife is a Lethal equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the Throwing Knife in the game!

Throwing Knife Overview

Throwing Knife Basic Info

Throwing KnifeThrowing Knife Type Lethal
Unlock Lv. Unlocks at Level 54.
Description Retrievable knife that is lethal on impact.

How to Use Throwing Knife

Instantly Kills an Enemy

Throwing Knife is a lethal throwable that can kill an enemy instantly upon hit. It doesn't fly that far, so make sure you get a bit closer to your target to hit them. You can also equip the Strong Arm perk to throw it farther and see its projectile path.

Works Well with Dead Silence

Killing enemies with Throwing Knife resets the duration of Dead Silence. You can equip the Throwing Knife if you're running with a Dead Silence loadout to maximize its duration!

Dead Silence: How to Get and Use

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Equipment By Type

Equipment by Type
Tactical Lethal
Field Upgrades

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