Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Al Bagra Fortress Map Guide

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Al Bagra Fortress is a 6v6 map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2 2022). Read on to see the full interactive map and all locations, and all game mode objectives for Al Bagra Fortress.

Al Bagra Fortress Interactive Map

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Al Bagra Fortress Map Overview

Al Bagra FortressAl Bagra Fortress
Museum and Historic Site : Day 105, 16:10
A historic fortress from the Middle Ages. Now once again ready to take up arms.
Map Basic Info
Game Modes: Team Deathmatch, Domination, Prisoner Rescue, Knock Out, Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, Control, Cyber Attack, Bounty
Players: 6v6
Location: United Republic of Adal
Factions Deployed: SpecGru & KorTac
Map Size: Medium

Al Bagra Fortress Strategies

Defend Target B from Across the Courtyard

Modern Warfare 2 - Al Bagra Defend B Site

In Search and Destroy, after planting the bomb at B site, run across to the other end of the courtyard near the benches.

This is an excellent sniping position as you'll be able to blend in the background with the amount of trees and bushes behind these benches.

You can easily pick off enemies that are trying to defuse the bomb as you'll have clear vision of the target from this position.

Launch a Surprise Attack from the Truck

Modern Warfare 2 - Al Bagra Truck

During Domination, there is a truck with its compartment storage open right beside Point B which you can jump into.

You can use this to hide with a shotgun and surprise enemies that are trying to seize the area. This should secure you some kills and deny your opponents from capturing the flag point.

The capture radius of the flags in Domination are extremely small, forcing your opponents to stay near them to secure the point. This is an advantage to you as they would have to pass by the truck that you are hiding in.

Use Shotguns in the Munitions Storage

Modern Warfare 2 - Al Bagra Munitions

Players will often pass by the Munitions Storage as it offers shortcuts to get around the map quicker. You can camp the area with a shotgun - we recommend the Expedite 12 for faster firing rate!

Recommended Gun Loadouts

Primary Secondary
MCPR-300 Expedite 12
Al Bagra Fortress is a map with large outdoor areas. The MCPR-300 is an excellent primary weapon as there are a lot of good sniping positions and angles all over the map. If you have the Overkill perk equipped, you can bring the Expedite 12 as your secondary as the Munitions Storage area often has a lot of enemies passing through.

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2 Search about 2 years

this was supposed to be an opinion but the thing wasn't working feel free to delete this mods

1 Search about 2 years

Defend Target B from Across the Courtyard is bad advice. The double door to b by stair cage, back trees and/or stair cage are better bets for holding but that depends on your control of balcony room also western gate is called flatbed and next to that needs to be called scaffolding plus you guys need to point out the cage that can be entered in munitions


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