Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

How to Play Knock Out and Best Loadouts

Modern Warfare 2 - Knock Out

Knock Out is one of the multiplayer game modes available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Read on to learn more about this game mode, how to play it, and the best loadouts you can equip.

How to Play Knock Out

Knock Out Overview

Modern Warfare 2 - Knock Out

No. of Players 12 Players (2 Teams of 6)
Win Condition Win 5 Rounds to take the match.

Knockout is a new 6v6 game mode where the objective is to either eliminate all enemies or hold the package for 45 seconds. Each round starts with a bag of Cash placed in the middle of the map with 2 teams fighting for it.

Simply walking over the bag captures it for your team but reveals the bag holder's position in the minimap. There are no respawns but players can revive downed teammates. Each round ends when any of the 2 conditions are fulfilled. First to 5 Round Wins takes the match.

List of All Knock Out Maps

List of All Maps
Farm 18Farm 18 Mercado Las AlmasMercado Las Almas Breenbergh HotelBreenbergh Hotel
Al Bagra FortressAl Bagra Fortress Crown RacewayCrown Raceway El AsiloEl Asilo
EmbassyEmbassy Santa Sena Border CrossingSanta Sena Border Crossing Zarqwa HydroelectricZarqwa Hydroelectric
TaraqTaraq Shoot HouseShoot House ShipmentShipment

All Multiplayer Maps

Best Knock Out Loadouts

Pick Out Enemies Loadout

Primary Secondary
MCPR-300MCPR-300 TAQ-56TAQ-56
Tactical Lethal
Flash GrenadeFlash Grenade Frag GrenadeFrag Grenade
Perk Package: Deadeye
Overkill Strong Arm Fast Hands High Alert
Field Upgrade 1 Field Upgrade 2
Dead SilenceDead Silence Munitions BoxMunitions Box
Kill Streaks

Getting an early pick can be a big advantage since you're limited to 6 players per team and the MCPR-300 is a great weapon for those early duels as any hit above the waist is a one-shot-kill.

Should you choose to run around and get more aggressive, you can swap over to TAQ-56 as it has a solid damage and the recoil is fairly easy to control.

Aggressive Loadout

Primary Secondary
FSS HurricaneFSS Hurricane P890P890
Tactical Lethal
Stun GrenadeStun Grenade Semtex
Perk Package: Phantom
Battle Hardened Double Time Cold Blooded Ghost
Field Upgrade 1 Field Upgrade 2
Munitions BoxMunitions Box Suppression MineSuppression Mine
Kill Streaks
UAV Mortar Strike SAE

This loadout lets players rush areas on the map to take mid-close fights against enemies. The Base perks make players more durable while the FSS Hurricane ensures that fights end quick.

Tips and Strategies for Knock Out

Revive Teammates When Possible

Regardless of which way a round is won, playing the numbers game can make securing the round much easier. Dead teammates can still get back in the fight and reviving them is strongly recommended when possible. If a revive seems unsafe, back off and play the field for a bit.

Group Up With Your Team

Grouping up is always a good idea since you can simply trade your teammates and revive them to secure your man advantage. This is especially important when you or one of your teammates is able to pick up the package. Stay together and fight alongside one another to make sure gunfights go your way.

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All Multiplayer Game Modes

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