Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Sa'id Ground War Map Guide

Modern Warfare 2 - Sa

Sa'id (Ground War) is a 32v32 map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2 2022). Read on to see the full interactive map and all locations, and all game mode objectives for Sa'id (Ground War).

Sa'id Ground War Interactive Map

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Sa'id Ground War Map Overview

SaSa'id (Ground War)
Rohok District : Day 97, 13:58
Infil at harbor warehouses (west) and mall (east). Choose vehicles to cover ground fast and apartment buildings to gain cover.
Map Basic Info
Game Modes: Ground War
Players: 32v32
Location: United Republic of Adal
Factions Deployed: SpecGru & KorTac
Map Size: Large

Sa'id Ground War Strategies

Stick to the Alleyways

Modern Warfare 2 - Sa

While this may seem unsafe due to higher chances of running into enemies in the alleyways, it's actually riskier to pass through the main street and other open areas as you'll be exposed to snipers camping in the area.

Alleyways will provide you a better fighting chance as you'll immediately know where your opponents are as opposed to engaging long-range fights with enemy marksmen.

The only real threat would be getting shot at from the rooftops or on 2nd floor windows. However, you could always jump inside a building for cover as most buildings have multiple entry points.

Hunt Down Enemies While Staying On Rooftops

Modern Warfare 2 - Sa

The buildings in Sa'id are situated next to each other; you can traverse around the map while staying on the rooftops since you can jump from one building to another without much risk.

Not to mention that hostiles on the ground will rarely ever check the roofs for opponents - allowing you to secure some kills on unsuspecting enemies.

Becareful of other snipers lurking around the rooftops. It's best to reposition to a different location after firing a few shots.

Sa'id Ground War Recommended Gun Loadouts

Primary Secondary
EBR-14 VEL 46
EBR-14 is best used while manuevering around the rooftops. You can pick off enemies that are on the ground and engage in sniper battles with enemy marksmen that are on a different building. VEL 46 will come in handy when clearing out buildings and defending control points.

EBR-14 Best Loadout and Attachments

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