Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

How to Play Hardpoint and Best Loadouts

Modern Warfare 2 - Hardpoint Banner.png

Hardpoint is one of the multiplayer game modes available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Read on to learn more about this game mode, how to play it, and the best loadouts you can equip.

How to Play Hardpoint

Hardpoint Overview

Modern Warfare 2 - Hardpoint

No. of Players 12 Players (2 Teams of 6)
Win Condition Get a total of 250 Points to win.

Hardpoint is the Call of Duty version of the classic King of the Hill game mode. 12 players split into 2 teams of 6 will have to capture and hold spawning Hardpoints across the map.

Each Hardpoint spawn will be active for 1 minute before expiring and respawning at a different section of the map. Holding one will rack up points for your team, with the first to 250 Points taking the match.

List of All Hardpoint Maps

List of All Maps
Farm 18Farm 18 Mercado Las AlmasMercado Las Almas Breenbergh HotelBreenbergh Hotel
Al Bagra FortressAl Bagra Fortress Crown RacewayCrown Raceway El AsiloEl Asilo
EmbassyEmbassy Santa Sena Border CrossingSanta Sena Border Crossing Zarqwa HydroelectricZarqwa Hydroelectric
TaraqTaraq Shoot HouseShoot House ShipmentShipment

All Multiplayer Maps

Best Hardpoint Loadouts

Double Primary Loadout

Primary Secondary
M4M4 VEL 46VEL 46
Tactical Lethal
Stun GrenadeStun Grenade Semtex
Perk Package: Assault
Overkill Scavenger Hardline Quick Fix
Field Upgrade 1 Field Upgrade 2
Portable RadarPortable Radar Munitions BoxMunitions Box
Kill Streaks
UAV Mortar Strike SAE

Securing Hardpoints requires constant fighting between both teams and having this loadout lets you keep fighting enemies without the worry of running out of resources. The Overkill perk also lets players swap between the M4 and VEL 46 depending on the fights they need to take.

Hardpoint Defense Loadout

Primary Secondary
Kastov 762Kastov 762 P890P890
Tactical Lethal
Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade ClaymoreClaymore
Perk Package: Phantom
Battle Hardened Double Time Cold-Blooded Ghost
Field Upgrade 1 Field Upgrade 2
Deployable CoverDeployable Cover Munitions BoxMunitions Box
Kill Streaks
UAV Cruise Missile Sentry Gun

This loadout is for players that want to play for each Hardpoint captured. Players can combine different equipment such as Deployable Cover, Smoke Grenade, and Claymore as they can provide additional utility to hold areas on the map and defend your captured Hardpoint.

Tips and Strategies for Hardpoint

Play Around the Hardpoints

Capturing the Hardpoint is as simple as walking in the indicated area and while you can stay and defend it from inside, it is best to move around the area and play around the Hardpoint.

Once your team already has the objective and all you need to do is defend it. Staying outside and moving around gives you more space to work with and decreases the possibility of getting killed by throwables or Killstreaks.

Anticipate Enemy Rotations

Hardpoint locations relocate every minute and will cause players on both teams to go to that specified area. If you find yourself far from the new Hardpoint, you can instead hunt for enemies trying to rotate to the new location. This disrupts any enemy plans of grouping together as you'll be sending them to respawn elsewhere on the map.

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Modern Warfare 2 - All Multiplayer Game Modes Partial Banner

All Multiplayer Game Modes

List of All Multiplayer Game Modes

Multiplayer Game Modes
Team Deathmatch Prisoner Rescue
Domination Knock Out
Invasion Hardpoint
Ground War Search and Destroy
CDL Moshpit Control
Cyber Attack Bounty
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