Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

How to Play Domination and Best Loadouts

Modern Warfare 2 - Domination

Domination is one of the multiplayer game modes available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Read on to learn more about this game mode, how to play it, and the best loadouts you can equip.

How to Play Domination

Domination Overview

Modern Warfare 2 - Domination

No. of Players 12 Players (2 Teams of 6)
Win Condition Get a total of 200 Points to secure victory.

Domination has players capture and hold 3 strongholds on the map (A, B, and C). Holding and defending captured strongholds will allow you to generate points for your team. First to 200 points will win the match.

Note: The more strongholds you have captured, the faster you will accumulate points. Slay the enemy team and get a trip cap (triple capture) to rack up points for a quick victory.

List of All Domination Maps

List of All Maps
Farm 18Farm 18 Mercado Las AlmasMercado Las Almas Breenbergh HotelBreenbergh Hotel
Al Bagra FortressAl Bagra Fortress Crown RacewayCrown Raceway El AsiloEl Asilo
EmbassyEmbassy Santa Sena Border CrossingSanta Sena Border Crossing Zarqwa HydroelectricZarqwa Hydroelectric
TaraqTaraq Shoot HouseShoot House ShipmentShipment

All Multiplayer Maps

Best Domination Loadouts

Maximum Coverage Loadout

Primary Secondary
TAQ-56TAQ-56 P890P890
Tactical Lethal
Shock StickShock Stick ClaymoreClaymore
Perk Package: Hunter
Strong Arm Tracker Spotter Overclock
Field Upgrade 1 Field Upgrade 2
Tactical CameraTactical Camera Trophy SystemTrophy System
Kill Streaks

No matter where you are on the map, you can keep track of the different control points on the map with this loadout. Deploy Tactical cameras on 2 control points and the Trophy System on the last one to have presence on all points of interest and even put a Claymore down for good measure.

Aggressive Combat Loadout

Primary Secondary
M4M4 Expedite 12Expedite 12
Tactical Lethal
Flash GrenadeFlash Grenade Frag GrenadeFrag Grenade
Perk Package: Assault
Overkill Scavenger Hardline Quick Fix
Field Upgrade 1 Field Upgrade 2
Tactical CameraTactical Camera Battle RageBattle Rage
Kill Streaks
UAV Mortar Strike SAE

This loadout is for players that are constantly moving between all 3 control points on the map. Battle Rage gives players an edge when contesting a control point and if things get too hot you can call in your Kill Streaks to give you more info and extra firepower.

Tips and Strategies for Domination

Utilize Field Upgrades/Kill Streaks

In a game mode where you need to constantly monitor 3 points of interest, utilizing Field Upgrades and Kill Streaks are your best option. The Tactical Camera is a great Field Upgrade as you can deploy this anywhere on the map to keep an eye on objectives as long as you're in range.

Using lethal Kill Streaks like the Mortar Strike or SAE can help in denying enemies from capturing control points as you can call them to attack as soon as you see an objective being captured.

Keep Moving Between Objectives

While capturing objectives is the main goal of this game mode, protecting them is just as important. Camping at a single area can help protect a control point but going around the map and moving between the 3 points can be more beneficial as you can help your team in gunfights and potentially take control of all points.

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