Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

How to Play DMZ Guide

DMZ is a new free-to-play game mode in Warzone 2.0 that was released on November 16. Read on to learn more about what DMZ is, details and info about its gameplay, how to play it, its map, and its release date.

How to Play DMZ

How to Play DMZ

Selecting Faction Missions

Warzone 2.0 - DMZ Faction Missions

There are currently Three Factions that you can choose to do missions for: Legion, White Lotus, and Black Mous.

Each faction will also have three missions with a fourth one to be unlocked after completing the preceding missions.

Missions are entirely OPTIONAL and are not required to proceed to the DMZ. However, you will lose the opportunity to receive rewards for accomplishing these missions.

This is a good option for players who just prefer to search and loot ultra-rare weapons found across Al Mazrah.

All DMZ Faction Missions and List of Rewards

Gear and Loadout Preparation

Warzone 2.0 - DMZ Weapon Loadout Preview

Before heading out to the DMZ, you will have to select your desired weapons to be included in your loadout. You'll start out with six Contraband weapons (more on that later).

If you picked up a weapon in a recent DMZ session and have successfully extracted with it, you will keep the weapon in your Contraband stash.

Contraband Weapons

Warzone 2.0 - Contraband Weapons

Contrabands are weapons that you will lose if you die while on Al Mazrah. Any weapons found across the DMZ is considered contraband. This includes looting from dead Operators and guns found inside containers.

Some Contraband weapons looted from containers may not be the best and most effective version of the weapon as majority will only have zero to five attachments equipped.

On a good note, extracting with any Contraband weapon unlocks it across all other game modes if you haven't unlocked the weapon yet.

Insured Slot

Warzone 2.0 - Insured Weapon Slot

Weapons that are placed in the Insured slot will be kept in your loadout storage even if you die without extracting. All Insured slot weapons can be custom-built by adding your own attachments, camos, and stickers!

If you die while in the DMZ, the Insured slot will enter a cooldown. However, if you have with you large sums of cash and other expensive items in your inventory upon your death, the cooldown time will be lessened.

DMZ Goals and Objectives

Loot Items to Sell

Warzone 2.0 - DMZ Looting

There are lots of valuable loot and weapons found across the DMZ. Items found within the DMZ area can be sold at Buy Stations.

It might be worth keeping the expensive items and discard the cheap ones as you can only carry a handful of items in your inventory.

Complete Faction Missions

Warzone 2.0 - DMZ Missions

Though optional, Faction Missions can often be completed on the fly and progress carries over from playthrough to playthrough. Not only that, but completing some missions earn rare rewards like Calling Cards, Blueprints, and Operator Skins.


Warzone 2.0 - Tac Map DMZ

Contracts are short and quick objectives found across the DMZ that contains cash rewards upon completion. Contracts can be found on the map with their respective icons.

Contract Objective
Warzone 2.0 - Document Secure IntelSecure Intel / Geiger Search Locate Intel Hard Drives and upload its data to nearby radio towers.
Warzone 2.0 - Contract Assassination IconElimination Assassinate a heavily guarded AI target.
Warzone 2.0 - Hostage Handcuffs IconHostage Rescue hostages within a locked building and extract them to the nearest exfil helicopter.
Warzone 2.0 - Cargo Shipment Briefcase IconCargo Delivery Find a vehicle contained with precious cargo and drop it off at a marked location.
Warzone 2.0 - Hunt Skull IconHunt Hunt an enemy Operator marked as high-value targets due to their activity within the DMZ match.
Warzone 2.0 - Destroy Supplies Bomb IconDestroy Supplies Locate and destroy two supply sites by planting bombs.

World Activities

World Activities are side-objectives but are a lot shorter than Contracts.

World Activity Objective
Safes Use a drill to open the safe containing cash. The noise of the drill will attract enemies nearby.
SAM Sites Activate these to send a supply box containing valuable items to your location.
UAV Towers Activate these to see the locations of Operators and AI enemies.
Strongholds Contains valuable weapons and equipment.
Sandstorms Occasionally sandstorms occur, these will reduce visiblity and will damage Operators over time.
Radiation Similar to Sandstorms, these rarely will occur and if it does, the radiation will poison Operators.

Fight or Work With Other Operators

Warzone 2.0 - Fight Other Operators

You will come across other Operators exploring the DMZ zone with their own goals. You either have a choice to engage with them in combat or avoid them entirely if the situation isn't within your favor (i.e. lack of manpower, low ammo count, poor health and armor status, etc.).

Players can also 'befriend' other enemy squads with the use of Proximity Chat to foster a temporary alliance. Squads can then work together to complete the same faction missions, contracts or fight other enemy squads.

Extraction Points

Warzone 2.0 - DMZ Extraction

Once you are content with all the activities that you've done throughout a DMZ session, it's time to head to the extraction point.

Exfil locations are the only way out of the DMZ. These are marked with helicopter icons on your Tac Map.

After calling the helicopter for extraction, every other squad will be notified and your location will be marked on their Tac Maps. AI-controlled enemies will also be alerted and will swarm the area, so be prepared for a fight after calling the exfil chopper.

Loot and Storage

Warzone 2.0 - DMZ Loot and Storage

After successfully extracting and getting out safe, all the loot that you brought including weapons and equipment will be safely kept at your personal storage; which you can access at any time before starting a DMZ match.

DMZ Gameplay Explained

New Extraction Mode

dmz mw2
While specific details regarding the mode will have to wait until its release, Infinity Ward has called it an Extraction mode, similar to the game Escape from Tarkov. This mode has a max player count of 100.

In squads of up to 3, Operators will select three Faction missions to complete before entering a map with a full loadout. Alongside the loadout, you'll have a backpack where you can store your loot but it will have limited space.

Other than main missions, squads will also have optional side objectives called Contracts, World Events, and can freely loot any enemies or areas they encounter. This is an open-world game mode, so you don't have to follow any specific objectives.

You can exfil anytime once you're satisfied with your loot. Any loot taken from DMZ will be kept in your Stash.

One Life Per Match

dmz game mode mw2 warzone
You'll need to be careful with what loadout you bring because you only have one life, and dying means you lose both your loot and your current loadout. Check your loadout menu for weapons marked as Contraband. These weapons will be permanently lost if you leave them in the DMZ.

However, if you obtain a Contraband weapon in DMZ, you'll also unlock it in the Gunsmith. This means you can also use it in Multiplayer and Battle Royale so that you don't have to grind levels to unlock it.

Insure Weapons

You can also place weapons in Insurance Slots to save them in case you die in DMZ while they're equipped. It'll take some time before you can get it back, however, unless you pay a fee to speed up the insurance cooldown.

Progress is Carried from Match to Match

If you successfully exfil, you can take your new loot and carry your progress into another match. This means any new weapons and equipment taken from your previous game can be instantly equipped and used for your next one. With every successful DMZ playthrough, you'll get stronger gear and become more of a threat to others.

DMZ is Both PvP and PvE

DMZ will have you fighting both AI enemies and other players. Since it's a sandbox mode, you can also choose not to engage other players and you could even work with them. Be careful if you fight them, however, since this could place a bounty on your head.


DMZ will introduce a new mechanic called Assimilation, which allows you to team up with enemy players and complete objectives together. This increases the size of your squad and gives you more firepower against other Operators, you'll just have to be sure you can trust your newfound teammates.

DMZ Uses the Warzone 2.0 Map

DMZ mode will be using the same map as Warzone 2.0 — Al Mazrah. This is a huge area with potential for lots of encounters with enemies and different objective locations so that no two matches will feel the same.

List of Weapon Case Rewards

No. Reward How to Unlock
Caution Tape Blueprint
Extract safely with the Weapons Case for the first time.
Biohazard Weapon Sticker
Extract safely with the Weapons Case for the second time.
3 Jungle Incognito Vehicle Skin Extract safely with the Weapons Case for the third time.
4 Gas Gas Gas Charm Extract safely with the Weapons Case for the fourth time.
5 Weapon Crate Calling Card Extract safely with the Weapons Case for the fifth time.
6 Weapon Crate Emblem Extract safely with the Weapons Case for the sixth time.
7 Biohazard Konig Skin Extract safely with the Weapons Case for the seventh time.

How to Get Weapon Cases in DMZ

DMZ Release Date

Released on November 16

Modern Warfare 2 - Battle Pass and Tier Skips
DMZ launched on November 16 at the same time as Warzone 2.0 , which is part of the same download. Its release coincides with the start of the Season 1 and its Battle Pass. It's expected that you can play DMZ from the Warzone 2.0 menu.

Season 1 Update (November 16 Update)

DMZ is Free-to-Play

DMZ is a new game mode in the Call of Duty series that was released alongside Warzone 2.0. You do not need to purchase MW2 to play it. Just like Warzone 2.0, It will be free-to-play. You will just need an Activision account to play matches.

How to Link Your Activision Account

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