Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

What is Skill-Based Matchmaking (SBMM)?

Warzone 2.0- SBMM
Skills-Based Matchmaking refers to the way in which players of similar skill-levels are matched up against one another. To learn more about Skills-Based Matchmaking and if it will be featured in Warzone 2.0, read on!

What is Skills-Based Matchmaking?

Skill-level Determines Matchmaking

Warzone 2.0 - SBMM Multiplayer
Skills-Based Matchmaking or SBMM refers to the way in which players are matched up against other players. Factors related to skill-level such as kill/death ratio, win/loss ratio, total time played, as well as score per minute are taken into consideration before matchmaking in video games that implement SBMM.

SBMM is meant to separate high-skill players from players with lower-skill levels to have a fairer multiplayer experience.

Maintains Balanced Multiplayer Experience

In essence, the ideal outcome of enforcing SBMM is to maintain a balanced multiplayer experience. The idea is to prevent more skilled players to match up with players that have lower skill levels, promoting a sense of fairness for newcomers to the game.

However, there are also complaints about the effectiveness of SBMM as some players still find themselves matched up against high-skilled players. Others point towards matchmaking inefficiencies related to connectivity, with certain players having better latency than other players.

Does Warzone 2.0 Have Skills-Based Matchmaking?

Warzone 2.0 Will Have Skills-Based Matchmaking

Warzone 2.0 Battle Royale
Although it is not officially stated in the game or in patch notes, Warzone 2.0 will implement Skills-Based Matchmaking in its multiplayer features.

During the first couple weeks of Warzone 2.0's release, the SBMM's intended outcomes might not be felt as players will all be starting in the same levels. Players might experience longer wait times once players have more distinct levels, which would ideally result in more even playing fields.

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