Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Best Attachments

Modern Warfare 2 - Best Attachments

Weapon attachments are key to winning gunfights in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (MW2 2022), as they give you a boost in damage, ADS speed, and even recoil stability with the right setup. Read on for a list of the best attachments to use in multiplayer and learn which benefits to prioritize when using any of the different gun types in MW2.

Best MW2 Weapon Attachments

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Laser Muzzle
Optic Underbarrel

Since Barrels, Stocks, and Rear Grips are platform and sometimes gun specific attachments only, they are excluded from the current list of best universal attachments.

Best Laser Attachments

Modern Warfare 2 - FSS OLE-V LaserFSS OLE-V Laser Pros:
+ Aim Down Sight Speed
+ Aiming Stability
+ Sprint to Fire Speed
- Laser Visible in ADS
Modern Warfare 2 - Luminate-44Luminate-44 Pros:
+ Flashlight
+ Sprint to Fire Speed
+ Aim Walking Steadiness
- Flashlight Visible in ADS

For the best laser attachment, look no further than the FSS OLE-V Laser. Boasting boosts to ADS Speed, Aim Stability, and Sprint to Fire Speed, this laser attachment is amazing for the fast-paced, small map action of 6v6 game modes. If you find yourself losing head-to-head gunfights, equipping this should give you an edge while moving and shooting.

For those who aren't fans of visible ADS lasers, a less conspicuous alternative can be found in the Luminate-44. While it won't blind enemies using its flashlight, it still boasts bonuses to sprint to fire speed and aim walking steadiness.

Best Muzzle Attachment

Echoline GS-XEcholine GS-X Pros:
+ Sound Suppression
+Recoil Smoothness
- Damage Range

While not entirely uniform with its pros and cons for certain guns, the Echoline GS-X is a solid pickup if you're wanting for a suppressor. Offering recoil smootheness in exchange for a bit of damage loss, this attachment is a staple for players who like running and gunning with a silenced AR or SMG.

Note: Some guns like the Kastov 762 will get more cons than just a damage range nerf with an Echoline GS-X equipped. Make sure to view how this attachment affects your weapon of choice should you opt to use it.

Best Optic Attachments

Modern Warfare 2 - Cronen Mini Red DotCronen Mini Red Dot Pros:
+ Precision Sight Picture
- Aim Down Sight Speed
Modern Warfare 2 - Cronen Mini ProCronen Mini Pro Pros:
+ Precision Sight Picture
- Aim Down Sight Speed

Since the Slimline Pro is locked until further notice, the current best optics are the Cronen Mini Red Dot and the Cronen Mini Pro. These two reflex sights are considered the best given their simple dot sight display and superior ADS visibilty given their slim borders.

Note: As a rule of thumb, long-range optics are fine especially when playing Ground War or Invasion. However, keep in mind that hybrid sights should generally be avoided in this game as their hybrid toggle shares a button with sprint, preventing you from sprinting out of ADS unlike most weapon sights.

Best Underbarrel Attachment

Modern Warfare 2 - FSS Sharkfin 90FSS Sharkfin 90 Pros:
+ Aiming Idle Stability

Hands down, the FSS Sharkfin 90 is the best Underbarrel attachment for most of the weapons you can use. Offering no cons despite giving a boost to Aiming Idle Stability, this underbarrel is all give and no take. However, if you are looking for an alternative (especially when using cumbersome guns that are designed for mid to long range), you can sacrifice a bit of mobility and opt to equip the VX Pineapple instead.

Best Attachment Setups by Weapon Type

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Assault Rifle SMG LMG
Battle Rifle Marksman Rifle Sniper Rifle

Best Assault Rifle Attachment Setups

Short to Mid Range Combat + Aim Down Sight Speed
+ Sprint to Fire Speed
+ Recoil Control
+ Hip Fire Accuracy
Mid to Long Range Combat + Aiming Stability
+ Recoil Stability
+ Recoil Steadiness
+ Aim Walking Steadiness

The biggest strength of MW2 Assault Rifles is their versatility. By being able to dominate short, mid, and even long range gunfights, these all-rounders can be set up for both fast-paced, 6v6 game modes, or large-scale Ground War/Invasion game modes. Prioritize the attachment bonuses above depending on your desired range of combat.

Best SMG Attachment Setups

Fast ADS Setup + Aim Down Sight Speed
+ Sprint to Fire Speed
+ Recoil Control
+ Hip Fire Accuracy
+ Sound Suppression

The kings of Call of Duty multiplayer are none other than the SMGs. With their easy handling and rapid TTK (time-to-kill), SMGs benefit the most by having attachment setup geared towards fast ADS. When looking to tune your SMG, make sure to prioritize attachments that help with snappy aim out of full sprints and recoil control for those around-the-corner jump shots.

Best LMG Attachment Setups

Fast ADS Setup + Aim Down Sight Speed
+ Recoil Control
+ Hip Fire Accuracy
Anti-Vehicle Setup + Vehicle Damage
+ Magazine Ammo Capacity
+ Recoil Control

While certainly not meta in any way, LMGs can still find their place in 6v6 game modes by equipping attachments that boost their ADS speed. Since their biggest weakness is handling and aiming, alleviating one of these will make the other more manageable.

Alternatively, they can also be used to absolutely shred vehicles in Ground War or Invasion. Given the current UAV meta and the limited launcher ammo you start out with, having a 150-round, belt fed beast using armor piercing/incendiary rounds will help your team clear the ground and the skies of enemy armor.

Best Battle Rifle Attachment Setups

Mid to Long Range Combat + Aiming Stability
+ Recoil Steadiness
+ Aim Walking Steadiness
Full Auto Setup + Recoil Stabilization
+ Magazine Ammo Capacity
+ Recoil Control
+ Sprint to Fire Speed

Battle Rifles excel when it comes to Range, Accuracy, and Damage. Take full advantage of these attributes by setting yourself up for mid to long range combat via their semi-auto fire rate setting. Prioritize unlocking and equipping Underbarrels and Stocks that increase aiming stability and recoil steadiness.

Alternatively, players can go the full automatic route. However, you will want better recoil control and stabilization, as well as a larger magazine capacity. Unlike the first setup, this one shines in 6v6 multiplayer game modes as its increased full auto damage outguns most conventional ARs and SMGs during mid distance gunfights.

Best Marksman Rifle Attachment Setups

Battle Marksman Setup + Iron or Reflex Sight
+ Aiming Stability
+ Aim Down Sight Speed
Mid to Long Range Combat + Aiming Stability
+ Bullet Velocity
+ Recoil Steadiness
+ Aim Walking Steadiness

Marksman Rifles toe the line between Battle and Sniper rifles, functioning as a high damage weapon that still handles well at close to mid range. Attachment setups for these rifles setup should focus on working on ADS speed and stability to make them quick scope machines in small maps.

However, when playing Ground War or Invasion, having both bullet velocity and recoil steadiness bonuses will go a long way due to the number of possible mid to long range gunfights. In this instance, you can be a bit more flexible by sacrificing ADS speed for stability.

Best Sniper Rifle Attachment Setups

Hard Scope Setup + Magnification
+ Aiming Stability
+ Rechambering Accuracy
+ Bullet Velocity

Given how quick scoping is now more within the territory of Marksman Rifles in MW2, Snipers now find themselves in more static roles with the option to move and shoot in larger maps. Take advantage of the hard scope meta, by prioritizing aiming stability and accuracy instead of faster ADS and time between shots.

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Modern Warfare 2 - Attachments

All Weapon Attachments

Attachments by Category

Ammunition Barrels Lasers
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Rear Grips Stocks Underbarrels
Best Weapon Attachments


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