Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

All New Features & Gameplay Mechanics

Modern Warfare 2 - All New Features & Gameplay Mechanics
The release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) introduces brand new features and gameplay updates for both single and multiplayer game modes. Read on to learn about the new features shipping with MW2 as well as the major gameplay updates coming to the game.

New Gameplay Features

Swimming and Aquatic Combat

Modern Warfare 2 ups the ante by introducing a brand new type of combat engagement: Aquatic Combat. Despite previous games having water levels, dynamic aquatic combat was never an option until now. Take to the aquatic battlefield and fight enemies in boat vs. boat combat!

On top of combat via boats, MW2 has also added Swimming Combat, allowing players to engage enemies underwater or elude enemy detection like never before. While unable to use primary weapons while swimming, secondaries are still deadly in the right hands.

Ledge Hang and Diving Movements

New additions to movement in-game include Ledge Hanging and Diving. Instead of having to do a high mantle and jump right into an area, players can now hang on ledges and remain stationary. From the ledge, they can then decide to either peek for enemies or start shooting with their secondaries.

Perhaps in a callback to the original Black Ops, Modern Warfare 2 now has a Diving movement technique reminiscent of the infamous Dolphin Dive. However, unlike it's predecessor, the MW2 Dive isn't as unwieldy. With a quick animation and snappy ADS, this new movement tech is a welcome addition to the CoD arsenal!

Gunsmith 2.0

Gunsmith 2.0 is the updated version of the previous game's feature that allowed players to customize weapons and loadouts. Weapons are now grouped into Platforms which give you complete control over the customization of any weapon you use in matches.

The Receiver is a new attachment that acts as the core of the weapon and determines its primary use and strengths. The good news is that there are weapons that share attachments which significantly decreases the grind for players.

Vehicle Interaction

COD MW II - Vehicle Interaction
Vehicles can be used and are affected in combat through various methods such as leaning out of a vehicle to shoot or destroying sections of a vehicle. Players can choose to fight on land with vehicles such as the All-Terrain Vehicles or with a Heavy tank. Air combat can also be done with the Light Helo as well as the new Heavy Chopper.

Third-Person Perspective


Certain modes in Modern Warfare 2 as well as Multiplayer will give players a new angle to fight from with Third-Person Perspective. Third-Person and First-Person modes will be separate at launch but could change with feedback from the community.

Players can change which shoulder the camera is positioned and can help with peeking corners. The perspective automatically switches to first-person when using ADS (aim down sights), allowing for more precise shooting.

New Maps and Modes

Map Updates

COD MW II - New Maps

Maps have been updated across the different multiplayer modes. Battle Maps are now the new locations for the Ground War game modes. These maps have been updated such that every building can be explored, vehicles can be driven, and the different styles of gameplay are available in a single Battle Map.

Core 6v6 Maps are generally smaller and force teams to constantly engage in arena combat. In addition to the new maps included with the launch of Modern Warfare 2, players can expect more maps to be added with every subsequent season.

New Modes


COD MW II - Knockout

Knockout is a new gamemode where the objective is to either eliminate all enemies or hold the package for 60 seconds. The match starts with a bag of Cash placed in the middle of the map with 2 teams fighting for it. Simply walking over the bag captures it for your team but reveals the bag holder's position in the minimap. There are no respawns but players can revive downed teammates.

Prisoner Rescue

COD MW II - Prisoner Rescue

Each team has prisoner to protect and the objective is to rescue the enemy hostage. Hostages are immune to enemy attacks but cannot move. The Operator carries the prisoner and is limited to using a pistol and cannot prone or climb. Points are awarded if a team can secure the other team's hostage by the end of a round or by eliminating all enemies.

Invasion (Ground War)

COD MW II - Invasion

This game mode meshes players and AI in a single team and fight in a massive deathmatch. Each team pushes forward and the game determines their front line. The front line is the average player position on the battlefield. The team that acquires the most points at the end of the time wins.

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