Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Colonel Alejandro Vargas (Alain Mesa) Character Info

Modern Warfare 2 - Alejandro Vargas (Alain Mesa) Character Info
Alejandro Vargas is a character in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to see Alejandro Vargas's full bio and voice actor, and learn more about Alejandro Vargas and his role in the game!

Colonel Alejandro Vargas Character Info

Alejandro Vargas Basic Info

Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro Vargas
Character Bio
Voice Actor Alain Mesa
Aliases Victor 1-1, Alejandro
Factions Task Force 141, Mexican Special Forces
Rank Colonel
Nationality Mexican
Gender Male

Leader of Mexican Special Forces

Modern Warfare 2 - Alejandro Leader of Mexican Forces
Alejandro is a Colonel in the Mexican Special Forces and is on par with the Task Force 141 special agents in terms of skills and abilities. In Modern Warfare 2's Borderline, he initially works for CIA operative Laswell, taking on the mission to stop the terrorist leader Hassan from crossing the US-Mexico Border.

Later on, he meets the rest of Task Force 141 after failing to stop Hassan. His Los Vaqueros and Task Force 141 undergo a special joint operation to seize the terrorist leader being sheltered by a Mexican cartel.

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