Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Dark Water Mission Walkthrough

dark water walkthrough modern warfare 2
Dark Water is a campaign story mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (MW2). Read on for a complete walkthrough of Dark Water including tips for beating the mission on Realism Difficulty, a list of achievements, as well as a list of weapons you can find & use.

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El Sin Nombre Alone

Dark Water Overview

Mission Information

Dark Water
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Dark Water
Description Soap, Alejandro, Ghost, Graves and his Shadow Co race to an offshore oil platform to prevent an imminent strike on US soil.
Place Gulf of Mexico
Date & Time 02 November 2022, 1700
Character Soap
Completion Reward Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Double Weapon XP TokenDouble Weapon XP Token

Starting Weapon Loadout

Fennec 45 FTac Recon

Dark Water Walkthrough

Dark Water Realism Difficulty Video Playthrough


Board the oil rig and make your way through the platform. After cutting through a room, you'll have to take down two guards waiting outside.
Follow Alejandro up a set of stairs. Some enemies will try to intercept the team, but you can let Alejandro and the others to take them out to save bullets.
Move through the next floor. You can obtain the A Crappy Way to Die Achievement here by killing the guard inside the porta-potty.
Clear out the next room. There will be three enemies inside with SMGs.
Make your way across the oil rig to reach the helipad where the missile is located. You'll have to kill several enemies along the way.
Go up to the helipad and open the container.
Zip down to a speedboat that'll take you to the next ship.
After reaching the ship, move through the deck and get to the other side. You can obtain the Don't Touch the Deck! Achievement here by hopping on containers.
Breach the ship and move through it while clearing out enemies.
Go up a few floors and then enter the ship's main control room. Be careful on the way up as there are enemies that'll throw grenades on you.
Redirect the missile by following Graves' instructions. You'll have to press the CLR and MODE keys at the same time. Then, choose Letter 'C' when a prompt appears. Finally, press EXE to finish redirecting it.

▶ Next Mission: Alone

How to Beat Dark Water in Realism Difficulty

Let the NPCs Do the Work

Modern Warfare 2 - Let the NPCs do their Work
There will be a lot of times that the NPC will kill the enemies for you. Let them do their jobs and stay behind them if possible to avoid dying several times and progress through the mission smoothly.

Use the Small Gap on the Ship's Deck for Cover

Modern Warfare 2 - Use the Small Gap
Once you board the ship, you will encounter tons of enemies, plus there will be crates that can crush you to death. Use the tiny gaps on the sides, the ones with a red beam and yellow light, to recover health if low and avoid getting smashed by the crates.

You will also sometimes get a free shot from those areas, so be sure to take advantage of them!

Don't Rush In

Modern Warfare 2 - Dont Rush In
Never rush inside any room on this stage, as enemies will always be waiting inside. You can use Flash Grenades or mount your weapon on the wall for safer peeking and shooting.

Dark Water Achievements

A Crappy Way to Die Achievement

To obtain A Crappy Way to Die, you'll have to kill an enemy inside a porta-potty. After going up the first set of stairs on the oil rig, you'll see two porta-potties. Shoot at the one on the left to kill the enemy inside. This completes the achievement.

How to Get A Crappy Way to Die

Don't Touch the Deck! Achievement

To obtain Don't Touch the Deck!, you'll have to get to the other side of the ship without touching the deck. This means you'll have to hop from crate to crate without falling.

You'll have to be patient since the ship's on rough seas so the crates will constantly be moving. Once you near the end, hop over a barricade and move to the front of the ship. You can set your difficulty to Recruit to take less damage and to have a safer time going from crate to crate.
How to Get Don't Touch the Deck!

Weapons Found in Dark Water

All Weapons
556 Icarus556 Icarus Fennec 45Fennec 45 Kastov 762Kastov 762 Kastov-74uKastov-74u
Lachmann SubLachmann Sub LM-SLM-S M16M16 MinibakMinibak
RPKRPK X13 AutoX13 Auto

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