Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Raids Guide: How to Unlock and Play Raids

Modern Warfare 2 - How to Play Raids

Raids is a three-player game mode where players take and finish missions together in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Check here to see the list of all missions in Raids and learn how to unlock and play Raids in the game!

Raids Missions List

All Raids Missions

No. Mission Name
1 Atomgrad EP. 01

As of writing, the only available Raid in the game is the Atomgrad EP. 01 Raid. We can expect more to come in the future updates, and possibly at the start or during Season 2!

How to Play Raids

Spec Ops But with Three Players

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Spec Ops
Raids is confirmed to be a type of Spec Ops that is following the Main Story of Modern Warfare II. Same with Spec Ops, players will have to equip their preferred Kit before heading in and get intel around the area to get rewards.
Spec Ops | List of Co-op Missions

Acquire a Raid Assignment

Modern Warfare 2 - Raids Assignment Counter

Raid Assignments are required to play Raids. However, only the party leader will need to have the Raid Assignment to start the game. The other two party members do not need to have one and can tag along the Raid.

Take note that a Raid Assignment will only be good for 7 days, and you'll have to get another one after that!

Puzzles Require Teamwork

Modern Warfare 2 - Raids Require Teamwork

Effective communication is recommended when playing Raids as all puzzles need coordination and perfect timing with your team in order to solve them.

Communicating with your team with a microphone is considered the most efficient way as most puzzles have time limits.

How to Unlock Raids

Unlock Raids by Doing Specific Missions or Objectives

All Available Methods
・Complete a specific Daily Challenge either in Multiplayer or Special Ops.
・Place within the top 20 in any Warzone 2.0 Battle Royale Playlist.
・In DMZ, use the final extract helicopter with at least $30,000 in Cash.

You will need to do one of the objectives above and complete it to unlock Raids. Failing to do at least one of them will left the Raids locked even if it's already released in the game.

Other Raids Guides

Raids Guides
How to Get Raids Assignments and Keys Does Raids Have Matchmaking?
List of Mystery Case Rewards -

What is Raids?

3-Player Multiplayer Co-op

Modern Warfare 2 - Co-op Raid
Raids is a multiplayer co-op consisting of three players working together to finish a mission. It is similar to a Spec Ops mission but is in line with the main story. Note that you need to complete specific objectives or goals to unlock it in the game.

Continuation of MWII's Campaign

Call of Duty® Modern Warfare® II - How to Access Raids
According to the official blog post of Call of Duty: MWII, missions on Raids is the continuation of the story of the campaign. It means that there will be more to the story, and we can expect new characters to debut there.

Campaign Walkthrough & Mission List

Raids Release Date

Raids Is Now Live

Call of Duty® Modern Warfare® II - Raids Release
Raids is now live! With the release of Season 1 Reloaded on December 14, 2022, the game mode along with a new multiplayer map, new weapons, and new Operators are now available. The first mision on the Raids will be Atomgrad, which is set on Urzikstan in an underground bunker.

Mid-Season Update (December 14)

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