Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Campaign Walkthrough & Mission List

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This is a full campaign walkthrough and list of all missions in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to find out how many campaign missions there are, the campaign rewards, and the complete walkthrough for each mission!

Mission List

All Campaign Missions
1 Strike
Modern Warfare 2 - Campaign Strike Mission
2 Kill or Capture
Modern Warfare 2 - Campaign Kill or Capture Mission
3 Wetwork
Modern Warfare 2 - Wetwork Campaign
4 Tradecraft
Modern Warfare 2 - Tradecraft Campaign
5 Borderline
Modern Warfare 2 - Borderline Campaign
6 Cartel Protection
Modern Warfare 2 - Cartel Protection Campaign
7 Close Air
Modern Warfare 2 - Close Air Campaign
8 Hardpoint
Modern Warfare 2 - Hardpoint Campaign
9 Recon by Fire
Modern Warfare 2 - Recon by Fire
10 Violence and Timing
Modern Warfare 2 - Violence and Timing
11 El Sin Nombre
Modern Warfare 2 - El Sin Nombre
12 Dark Water
Modern Warfare 2 - Dark Water
13 Alone
Modern Warfare 2 - Alone
14 Prison Break
Modern Warfare 2 - Prison Break
15 Hindsight
Modern Warfare 2 - Hindsight
16 Ghost Team
Modern Warfare 2 - Ghost Team
17 Countdown
Modern Warfare 2 - Countdown

How Many Missions Are in MW2?

17 Campaign Missions

Modern Warfare 2 - Beta Servers Down

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) currently has 17 playable missions throughout the single-player campaign. Play as one of the operators in the elite multi-national counter-terrorism unit, Task Force 141, as they battle Colombian drug cartels in this direct sequel to 2019's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Campaign Rewards

Campaign Completion Rewards

Completing the Campaign for MW2 will net items that can be used for game modes such as Multiplayer and Special Ops as well as Warzone 2.0 when it launches on November 16, 2022.

List of Campaign Rewards

MW2 Story Summary

Modern Warfare 2 - Soap Ghost Helicopter

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) picks up after the events of Modern Warfare (2019). Set in the year 2022 following the formation of the elite multinational counter-terrorist unit Task Force 141, lead by Price with operatives: Soap, Ghost, Farah, and many more distinct soldiers.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) Related Guides

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Modern Warfare 2 - Spec Ops Partial BannerSpec Ops Missions Modern Warfare 2 - EquipmentEquipment
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11 Edwardover 1 year

This game is really great. I love playing especially multiplayer. If you are looking for a good price, I recommend this online store:

10 Anonymousover 1 year



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