Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Best Guns and Weapons for Campaign Tier List

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All the best guns and weapons to use for the single-player campaign in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to see the best guns tier list for the story campaign, and the best weapons to use in each mission.

Best Campaign Guns Tier List

Weapons Ranking
M4Kastov 762 Gun Icon
M16 HybridKastov 545 Gun IconMX9
RPK Gun Icon.50 GS Gun IconM16 Gun IconKastov 74-u Gun Icon
P890X13 Gun Icon

S Tier Guns

Weapon Weapon Information
M4M4 Type: Assault Rifle
・Easy-to-Control Recoil
・High Damage
・Great Range
・Great Hip-Fire Accuracy
・Common Across Most Missions
・Not a lot of close-range optics but the gun more than makes up for it.
Kastov 762 Gun IconKastov 762 Type: Assault Rifle
・Long Range Assault Rifle
・Excellent Damage
・Penetrates Heavy Armor Easily
・All Around Weapon
・Slightly Difficult Recoil Control

A Tier Guns

Weapon Weapon Information
M16 Hybrid Gun IconM16 Hybrid Type: Assault Rifle
・Great Accuracy
・Excellent Firing Rate
・Simple Recoil Control
・Good Hip-Fire Accuracy
・Good for medium and long range combat.
・Scoping isn't viable at close-range.
・Low Ammo Capacity
Kastov 545 Gun IconKastov 545 Type: Assault Rifle
・Easy Recoil Control
・High Ammo Count
・Great at Medium Range Combat
・Not Ideal for Long Range Fights
MX9MX9 Type: Assault Rifle
・Fast Firing Rate
・Great for Hip Firing
・Usually always loud so not a great pick-up for a lot of the stealth missions.

B Tier Guns

Weapon Weapon Information
RPK Gun IconRPK Type: LMG
・High-Rate of Fire
・Excellent Damage
・Difficult Recoil Control
・Slow Reload Speed
M16 Gun IconM16 Type: Assault Rifle
・Accurate at Long Range
・Simple Recoil Control
・Low Ammo Count
.50 GS Gun Icon.50 GS Type: Pistol
・Excellent Accuracy for Pistol
・One Shot Kill
・High Recoil Control
・Low Ammo Capacity
・Extremely High Rate of Fire
・Penetrates Heavy Armor Quickly
・Difficult Recoil Control
・Poor Mobility
・Slow Reload Speed
Kastov 74-u Gun IconKastov 74-u Type: SMG
・High-Rate of Fire
・Excellent Damage
・Great for Close-Quarter Fights
・Terrible Accuracy at Long Range

C Tier Guns

Weapon Weapon Information
X13 Gun IconX13 Auto Type: Pistol
・Automatic Machine Pistol
・Excellent at Close-Quarters
・Extremely Low Ammo Capacity
・Terrible Accuracy
P890P890 Type: Pistol
・Silenced Weapon
・Poor Accuracy at medium-long range.
・Low Ammo Count

Best Guns by Mission

Jump to a Campaign Mission!
Strike Kill or Capture Wetwork
Tradecraft Borderline Cartel Protection
Close Air Hardpoint Recon by Fire
Violence and Timing El Sin Nombre Dark Water
Alone Prison Break Hindsight
Ghost Team Countdown -


No gun fights will occur in this mission.

Kill or Capture


Enemies in this mission will be coming from far distances, long-range weapons such as the EBR-14 can be used to snipe enemies from a great distance.

M16 Hybrid

M16 Hybrid
This gun is a perfect secondary weapon when enemies are firing at you from close-mid range distance. Once they push up-close the crashed helicopter, switch to this weapon to finish them off.


P890 is a better choice over the Tactical Knives as you can kill multiple enemies within a short amount of time. The weapon can also be used underwater, increasing your chances of staying undetected throughout the mission.



After planting the decoy grenade in the trash bin, Gaz will be tasked to eliminate one of the hostiles that clears the alley. The enemy will drop an X12 which has more ammo than the P890. This gun will be the better option while providing cover fire for Price.


Kastov 762

Kastov 762
The Kastov 762 only makes it as the best gun for Borderline simply because it is the only available gun when you start fighting a lot of Cartel guards. It will be infinitely better than the X12 you pick up from the dead police officer.

Cartel Protection


The RAPP H is probably the best gun to have during this mission since its large ammo capacity and high damage are essential for suppressing the enemy during the latter gunfights of the level. Not to mention it shreds armored soldiers, particularly those that carry RPGs, making it very effective even if it is a cumbersome LMG to lug around.

Close Air

Players will be controlling an AC-130 during this mission.


Players will be controlling an AC-130 during this mission.

Recon by Fire

Victus XMR

Victus XMR
For the majority of the mission, Gaz will be tasked to eliminate enemies from afar. The victus XMR is the starting primary weapon and best gun to use for this mission as it is easier to detect enemies using the thermal scope.

Violence and Timing

Kastov 762

Kastov 762
Kastov 762 has a large magazine that is enough to kill multiple enemies on the different vehicles you encounter. Its recoil is also fairly simple to control which makes shooting while leaning out of vehicles easier.

El Sin Nombre

Bryson 800

Bryson 800
Since El Sin Nombre is an infiltration mission, it would be best to equip a weapon effective for maintaining stealth. The Bryson 800 retrieved in the garage is a silenced pump-action shotgun will be best used in this mission. It is also the best option since most gunfights in the mansion will take place in tight spaces.

Dark Water

Ftac Recon

FTac Recon
The FTac Recon is an accurate assault rifle that excels at mid to long-range combat. With its high damage and lethal accuracy, it only takes one shot to the head or two to the body to kill your enemies. On top of these, it is also your starting weapon, so getting it will not be a problem.

Fennec 45

Fennec 45
The Fennec 45 is a close-range, high fire rate gun that can quickly kill any enemy who gets too close. It is the best weapon to use when clearing the ship's rooms because of how easy it is to bring to bear and shoot. Like the FTac Recon, the Fennec also shares the same advantage by being a starting weapon.



If going for a stealthier approach during Alone, the Crossbow is king. Deadly at all ranges, this silent weapon can also hit multiple enemies when they line up during your shot. The only downsides are that you have to secure it from a safe and that it only comes with 2 bolts. Bolts that you shoot must be picked up in order to keep this weapon fueled and going.

Lockwood 300

Lockwood 300
For those wanting to go in loud during this mission, the Lockwood 300 you pick up from the shotgun trap is by far one of the best options. Sporting high damage and exceling at close to mid-range combat, it is one of the only weapons that can stagger and sometimes 1-hit kill armored soldiers in this level.

Prison Break

M4 Hybrid

M4 Hybrid
After Prison Break's CCTV sequence, the rest of the mission will become fast-paced. To keep up with the breakneck speed of the prison escape, drop your EBR and replace it with one of the many M4s in the level. With better handling, full-auto, and variable optics, the M4 outguns the EBR as a primary weapon once the assault is in full swing.


The TAQ-56 is a solid alternative to the M4 Hybrid as it offers minimal recoil and fantastic damage. This gun is most effective during the shootout in the cafeteria as some Shadows will be using protective gear, making it harder to penetrate with a submachine gun.


M4 M203

M4 M203
The M4 M203 is the only gun option in the Hindsight mission apart from the P890. In contrast to the regular M4 assault rifle, this gun will have more ammunition and has a built-in grenade launcher that can be used to clear out enemies in the building.

Ghost Team

Lachman Sub

Lachmann Sub
Lachmann Sub has a relatively small magazine but its recoil is very easy to control. There aren't many gunfights you'll take while you have this gun but during the moments when you have to fight, it makes for an easy firearm to use.

TAQ-56 Hybrid

TAQ-56 Hybrid
The second part of this mission will have you fighting enemies from medium to long distances which is perfect for the TAQ-56 Hybrid. Its holographic sight and large magazine lets you fight more enemies needing to constantly reload as well as spray down any armoured enemy that comes your way.


Ftac Recon

FTac Recon
This silenced assault rifle allows you to quickly slay enemies from a distance. You can use this gun to finish the Must be Wind achievement easily.

Bryson 890

Bryson 890
Good for most enclosed area encounters. It is also the best gun for armored enemies, as it can stagger them and remove their armor fast. You can get this weapon early in the mission after rescuing the hostages from the window.

MW2 Campaign Walkthrough

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