Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Shoot House Map Guide | Is Shoot House Back in the Game?

Modern Warfare 2 - Shoot House Banner

Shoot House is a 6v6 map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) that was added in the game during the Season 1 update. Read on to see the full interactive map, all locations, all game mode objectives for Shoot House, as well as when will Shoot House return in the game!

Is Shoot House in the Game?

Removed From the 24/7 Multiplayer Playlist

Modern Warfare 2 - Shoot House SpecGru Spawn

Shoot House was removed from the 24/7 playlist in an update that was released on January 18. It was quickly replaced by Shipment as the new 24/7 multiplayer map.

It's currently unknown as to when will Shoot House be in the map rotation again, but given the recent weekly changes in the map rotation by Infinity Ward, we can expect Shoot House to be re-added to the 24/7 playlist every other week.

Shoot House Interactive Map

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Shoot House Map Overview

Shoot HouseShoot House
Kill House Training Facility : Day 13, 13:00
Participate in a live fire exercise against real opponents.
Map Basic Info
Game Modes: Team Deathmatch, Domination, Prisoner Rescue, Knock Out, Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, Control, Cyber Attack, Bounty, Grind, Drop Zone
Players: 6v6
Location: Las Almas, Mexico
Factions Deployed: SpecGru & KorTac
Map Size: Medium

Shoot House Strategies

Equip the Double Time Perk

Modern Warfare 2 - Shoot House Double Time

Double Time increases the duration of Tactical Sprint, something that would prove to be useful in Shoot House as the map has a lot of mid-height cover obstacles.

The map also isn't exactly friendly to camping and will often require you to move from one place to another to avoid getting killed.

You'll be able to cover a lot of ground as well and get behind your opponents quicker with this perk equipped. This can also be used to escape from harm when an enemy player is shooting you as you can run to cover quickly to heal up your wounds.

Bring an SMG in Your Loadout

Shoot House is a map with a lot of tight corners; even the exterior areas of the map are dense enough that you'll be running into enemies every few seconds.

Using an SMG will prove to be useful in this map as you'll be engaging in mostly close-quarters combat in almost every fight.

All Submachine Guns

Recommended Gun Loadouts

Primary Secondary
FSS Hurricane X12
The FSS Hurricane sacrifices range and stopping power for increased ammo capacity and enhanced stability. As you'll be battling opponents at close-quarters in Shoot House, range and distance should not be a problem as the weapon focuses on recoil and the amount of bullets that you can use to rain terror on your foes.

FSS Hurricane Best Loadout and Attachments

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