Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Frag Grenade: How to Get and Use

Frag Grenade is a Lethal equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the Frag Grenade in the game!

Frag Grenade Overview

Frag Grenade Basic Info

Frag GrenadeFrag Grenade Type Lethal
Unlock Lv. Unlocked by default.
Description Cookable fragmentation grenade.

How to Use Frag Grenade

Classic Throwable Grenade

Modern Warfare 2 Classic Frag Grenade
Frag Grenade is one of the default Lethal equipment in the game. You can throw it at your enemies to eliminate them from the explosion.

Frag Grenades can also bounce a bit on the wall. You can use that to angle yourself and throw it on enemies hiding behind covers.

Hold it and Throw Before it Explodes

You can cook up a Frag Grenade and make it look like it explodes on impact. You have approximately 4 seconds before it explodes, and you can throw it on 3 seconds to make it look like that.

If you have a Strong Arm Perk equipped, you can see the trajectory and know if it's about to explode.

Frag Grenades Can Be Thrown Back

Frag Grenades on the floor can be thrown back to their owner. If you can't evade Frag Grenade, you can throw it back and avoid death at that moment. But you have to act fast to pull it off safely!

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Equipment By Type

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