Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

SA-B 50 Best Loadout and Attachments

The SA-B 50 is a type of Marksman Rifle weapon in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Check here for complete info on the best loadouts and attachments of the SA-B 50, as well as its stats and how to use this weapon!

SA-B 50 Overview and Stats

Weapon Overview

SA-B 50

Optimized for speed and precision, the SA-B 50 bolt-action rifle features a pistol grip and lightweight frame for increased maneuverability.
Basic Info
Platform: Bryson Long Rifle
Weapon Class: Marksman Rifle
Max Level: 23
Magazine Capacity: 10
Reserve Ammo: 20
Fire Modes: TBA
How to Unlock Unlocked by leveling the SP-R 208 to Level 13.

Weapon Stats

Damage Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Damage
Fire Rate Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Fire Rate
Range Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Range
Accuracy Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Accuracy
Recoil Control Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Recoil Control
Mobility Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Mobility
Handling Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Handling

SA-B 50 Best Loadout and Attachments

Best SA-B 50 Loadout Setup

Weapon Loadout
Primary SA-B 50
Secondary X12 / X13 Auto
Tactical Snapshot Grenade
Lethal Proximity Mine / Claymore / C4
Base Perk 1 Extra Tactical
Base Perk 2 Double Time
Bonus Perk Focus
Ultimate Perk Birdseye
Field Upgrade 1 Suppression Mine
Field Upgrade 2 Battle Rage

Best SA-B 50 Attachment Setup

Optic Hybrid FirepointHybrid Firepoint
Stock FTAC EZX-Pro
Bolt FSS ST87 Bolt
Barrel 18.5" Bryson LR Factory
Ammunition .308 Overpressured +P

How to Play

This loadout for the SA-B 50 focuses on quick speed and maneuvering abilities to hit opponents while moving around the area. Although it's a bit different from the standard marksman rifle setup, players who play aggressively will find this loadout better, as it highlights the SA-B 50 best feature, which is its quickness.

These attachments for SA-B 50 increase Fire Rate, Accuracy, and Range stats to become more deadly from mid to long-range distances, supporting SA-B 50's overall speed. The hybrid optic will also let players change to a close or long-range sight, allowing them to adapt to any engagement on the field.

This loadout and attachment setup works well on medium-sized maps and team-based game modes with respawning like Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination, and Hardpoint.

SA-B 50 Weapon Progression

Progression Tree: All Unlockables

All Unlockables
Teplo-OP3 Scope
(Level 9)
(Level 17)

NOTE: Newly acquired weapons will have locked attachment slots at Level 1. Category Unlocks are upgrades that unlock these attachment slots for use.

Guns Unlocked by Leveling the SA-B 50

All Gun Unlocks
LA-B 330LA-B 330
Unlocked by leveling the SA-B 50 to Level 16.

All Compatible SA-B 50 Attachments

SA-B 50 Receivers

This section is under construction.

SA-B 50 Barrels

This section is under construction.

SA-B 50 Magazines

This section is under construction.

SA-B 50 Stocks

This section is under construction.

SA-B 50 Rear Grips

This section is under construction.

SA-B 50 Muzzles


SA-B 50 Underbarrels

This section is under construction.

SA-B 50 Ammunition

This section is under construction.

SA-B 50 Lasers

This section is under construction.

SA-B 50 Optics

Teplo-OP3 Scope

SA-B 50 Camos & Blueprints

All SA-B 50 Camos

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Urban Digital Get 50 kills with SA-B 50 2
Bullsnake Get 25 one-shot kills with SA-B 50 8
Toxicity Get 10 double kills with SA-B 50 14
Splintered Asphalt Get 10 kills with SA-B 50 while mounted 20
Gold SA-B 50 Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the SA-B 50 N/A

All SA-B 50 Blueprints

This Weapon currently doesn't have any Blueprints.

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Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - SP-R 208SP-R 208 Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - SA-B 50SA-B 50 Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - TAQ-MTAQ-M


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