Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Mercado Las Almas Map Guide

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Mercado Las Almas is a 6v6 map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to see the full interactive map and all locations, and all game mode objectives for Mercado Las Almas.

Mercado Las Almas Interactive Map

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Mercado Las Almas Map Overview

Mercado Las AlmasMercado Las Almas
Market of the Souls : Day 25, 13:45
Street Market in Las Almas. Fight within the market and in the surrounding buildings both residential and industrial.
Map Basic Info
Game Modes: Team Deathmatch, Domination, Prisoner Rescue, Knock Out, Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, Control, Cyber Attack, Bounty
Players: 6v6
Location: Las Almas, Mexico
Factions Deployed: SpecGru & KorTac
Map Size: Medium

Mercado Las Almas Strategies

Camp the Elephant Room

Modern Warfare 2 - Elephant Room

The Elephant Room gives you access to two windows that are overlooking the Patio and the Old Church alley. Enemies passing by will not notice you at first since you'll be on the second floor of the building, giving you an opportunity to get some kills.

Make sure to plant Claymores by the main entrance of the Elephant Room to prevent enemies from sneaking up on you.

Setup A Defensive Position at the Cantina Bar

Modern Warfare 2 - Cantina Veranda

In game modes like Team Deathmatch, enemies will be more aggressive around the map as they will try to hunt for kills in order to reach the score limit. You can patiently wait for them at the 2nd floor veranda of the Cantina bar.

This spot is easily overlooked as the location is at the corner of the map and is camoflagued by ivy leaves.

The Cantina Bar is a 2-story building with windows that provide excellent sniper opportunities. This building is also connected to the veranda mentioned above, so you can take advantage of the two key defensive locations at the same time.

We recommend you plant Claymores by the doorways or keep moving from one position to another to check if any enemies have infiltrated the building.

Avoid Passing Through the Market Center Street

Modern Warfare 2 - Mercado Las Almas Market Street

The Market Center is a long narrow road with snipers usually camped on both ends of the street. Engaging them is a bad idea as they're probably in the prone position which makes them a difficult target to spot.

It might be best to stick to the edges of the map and pass through either Red Tarps or the Old Church where the snipers are usually positioned, which you can then proceed to gun them down.

Recommended Gun Loadouts

Primary Secondary
M4 X12
Mercado Las Almas is a mixture of long range and close-quarters combat. The M4, being an all-around weapon is perfect to adapt to the different situations and angles around the map. The X12 is a perfect sidearm as it is extremely viable from close to medium range firefights if ever you run out of ammo on your primary weapon.

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