Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

El Asilo Map Guide

Modern Warfare 2 - El Asilo Map Banner

El Asilo is a 6v6 map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2 2022). Read on to see the full interactive map and all locations, and all game mode objectives for El Asilo.

El Asilo Interactive Map

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El Asilo Map Overview

El AsiloEl Asilo
Cartel Facility Hideout : Day 36, 19:30
A warehouse used by the Mexican Cartels as their base of operations. Situated in Las Almas, Mexico.
Map Basic Info
Game Modes: Team Deathmatch, Domination, Prisoner Rescue, Knock Out, Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, Control, Cyber Attack, Bounty
Players: 6v6
Location: Las Almas, Mexico
Factions Deployed: SpecGru & KorTac
Map Size: Medium

El Asilo Strategies

Defend Flag A From the Office

Modern Warfare 2 - El Asilo Flag A Defense

While playing Domination, you can setup a defensive perimeter around the office area to watch over Flag A. There is a double door nearby that gives you vision over the flag.

You can open the door to take out any attackers of the position and then close it again if you need to recover from your wounds.

Take note that they can sneak up on you via the windows of the office, we recommend that you place Claymores beside them to avoid any surprise encounters from behind.

Setup a Sniping Position by the Front Yard Hill Tree

Modern Warfare 2 - El Asilo Sniper Position

The Front Yard hill tree is a high vantage point position giving you access to see half of the map. Using a sniper in this position should land you some easy frags and points.

Be sure to quickly eliminate enemies as they can see the glare of your sniper scope if you take too long to kill them.

Use Flashbangs Inside the Facility

Modern Warfare 2 - El Asilo Flashbang Entry

Utilize the effectiveness of flashbangs by throwing them before making an entry as this will blind and stun enemies that are inside the facility.

You can pair this up with the use of shotguns for close-quarters combat to clear out rooms easily!

Recommended Gun Loadouts

Primary Secondary
FSS Hurricane P890
Majority of the gunfights will take place inside the facility, the FSS Hurricane will favor from this due to its amazing damage potential at close range and high firing rate. You'll be running out of ammo quickly with the FSS Hurricane, thus the P890 is a good sidearm to have with its amazing accuracy and damage.

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