Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Best Killstreaks and Killstreak Setup

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Killstreaks are a staple of Call of Duty and come in the form of mid-match rewards that grant a player an advantage during the match. To learn which killstreaks and killstreak setups are the best for each game mode, map, and rank, read on!

Best Loadouts, Guns, and Killstreaks Guides
Best Loadout Best Guns Best Killstreaks

Best Killstreaks


The UAV is a great early killstreak that can be obtained by killing 4 hostiles consecutively or earning a score of 500 without dying. This killstreak will reveal enemy locations in the minimap.

The UAV killstreak is best used in 6V6 game modes such as Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Kill Confirmed as it can be easily attained, providing an early tactical advantage for your team. Through the UAV, you can set your teammates up in favorable scenarios with them winning more gunfights and securing objectives.

Small maps such as Farm 18 and Valderas Museum are great for the UAV as your teammates can easily reach pinpointed locations in the minimap.

Precision Airstrike

MW2 - Precision Airstrike
The Precision Airstrike is a solid killstreak that is great for clearing out areas in the map to secure objectives. Although it only covers a straight path, it proves to be a decent middle killstreak that can help your team gain map control.

Precision Airstrike is best used in capture-and-hold game modes such as Domination, Hardpoint, and Groundwar as it can clear enemies inside checkpoints or hardpoints effectively.

The Precision Airstrike is a potent killstreak that can be used in both small and large maps. However, it is not as effective in maps with enclosed buildings such as Mercado Las Almas since enemy players can quickly find cover to avoid the strikes.


Another strong middle killstreak is the SAE as it strikes three separately marked areas in the map. The SAE releases aerial explosives that are manually pinpointed by the player.

The SAE killstreak can be highly effective in both small-scale game modes (Team Deathmatch, Domination, etc.) and large-scale game modes (Groundwar & Invasion) if targets are in an open area. However, the SAE killstreak is best used when clearing out checkpoints or hardpoints in order to retake an objective from the enemy team.

This type of killstreak, similar to the Precision Airstrike, will not be as effective in maps with enclosed buildings. This killstreak shines in maps such as Sa'id and Sariff Bay where enemies will be exposed in open spaces.

Chopper Gunner

MW2 - Chopper Gunner
The Chopper Gunner has a higher kills and score requirement (10/1250) but offers great rewards when obtained. This killstreak is great for holding down objectives by providing cover fire for teammates through a manually controlled aircraft. It is also effective in destroying on-ground enemy killstreaks.

The Chopper Gunner is a versatile killstreak that can be used for any game mode. However, it is best used in Groundwar or Invasion where hostiles will be more apparent from the view of the assault chopper.

When using this killstreak, it is best to queue in large-scale game modes in order to play in large maps such as Santa Seña and Sariff Bay.

Killstreak and Scorestreak Guide: How to Earn & Use

Best Killstreak Setups for Each Game Mode

Small-Scale Game Modes (Small Maps)

MW2 - Small Scale Game Modes

Small-Scale Game Modes are game types that involve a small number of players (6 for each team) as well as a small map. Such game types include Team Deathmath, Free-for-All, Domination, Search and Destroy, Headquarters, Kill Confirmed, Hardpoint, Prisoner Rescue, and Knock Out.

All Multiplayer Game Modes

Below is a list of killstreaks loadouts best used in small-scale game modes:

Kills-Based Killstreaks

Killstreak Kill/Score Description
Precision Airstrike 6/750 Call in twin jets for a precision airstrike along the best available path.
Cruise Missile 6/750 Control a long range cruise missile with boost capabilities.
SAE 7/875 Call in a trio of jets to release aerial explosives onto specified targets.

The Killstreak combo of a Precision Airstrike, Cruise Missile, and SAE is focused on earning easy kills and gaining map in a match. Although these killstreaks only cover a certain portion of the map, it is perfect for small-scale game modes with map sizes that make it easier to identify enemy locations.

Intel Based Killstreaks

Killstreak Kill/Score Description
UAV 4/500 UAV recon ship that reveals enemy locations in the minimap.
Counter UAV 5/625 A drone that scrambles all enemy minimaps.
Advanced UAV 12/1500 An untargetable orbital UAV that reveals the enemy's direction on the mini map in real time.

The Intel Based Killstreaks are suited for players assuming a support role in order to secure objectives. The UAV & Counter UAV is a solid killstreak combo that provides intel for your team and disrupts enemy minimaps.

Although the Advanced UAV is a difficult killstreak to acquire, playing a passive role will make it easier to obtain. This killstreak can almost guarantee a victory so long as your teammates utilize its benefits properly.

Large-Scale Game Modes (Large Maps)

MW2 - Large Scale Game Modes
Large-Scale Game Modes are game types that involve a large number of players (20 or 32 for each team) and a massive map. These game modes also tend to be much longer and can have a faster pace. Such game types include Ground War and Invasion.

All Multiplayer Maps

Below is a list of killstreaks best used in large-scale game modes:

Option #1

Killstreak Kill/Score Description
Precision Airstrike 6/750 Call in twin jets for a precision airstrike along the best available path.
Cruise Missile 6/750 Control a long range cruise missile with boost capabilities.
Mortar Strike 6/750 Signal several waves of mortar to attack a location.

The Precision Airstrike, Cruise Missile, and Mortar Strike is a standard killstreak loadout best used in large-scale game modes. In these game modes, there will be plenty of enemy encounters so acquiring these killstreaks will be less difficult. These killstreaks are best used in areas of the map where enemy activity is rampant.

In Groundwar, try targeting checkpoints when marking locations for killstreaks.

Option #2

Killstreak Kill/Score Description
SAE 7/875 Call in a trio of jets to release aerial explosives onto specified targets.
Chopper Gunner 10/1250 Control an assault chopper armed with a turret and air-to-land missiles.
Gunship 12/1500 A Heavy Assault Gunship equipped with a laser tracking missile, along with the standard 40mm and 25mm cannons.

The SAE, Chopper Gunner, and Gunship killstreak loadout is a more ambitious version of the first loadout as it requires a greater amount of kills or score to activate. While these are more difficult to obtain, these killstreaks offer greater rewards.

The Chopper Gunner and Gunship, for instance, will alow the player to manually control aircrafts that can eliminate hostiles. These also last longer than ordinary killstreaks, making it a preferrable option over low value killstreaks.

Best Killstreaks for Each Rank

4 Kills 5 Kills 6 Kills 7 Kills
8 Kills 10 Kills 12 Kills 15 Kills

4 Kills



Great early killstreak as it only requires 4 kills. Ghost ultimate perk does not reveal enemy locations.
Duration increases when teammates also activate their UAV. Can be shot down with launchers.

5 Kills

Care Package

MW2 - Care Package

Acts as a 'fourth' killstreak. Typically gives low value killstreaks.
Can be used as bait against enemy players. -

6 Kills

Precision Airstrike

MW2 - Precision Airstrike

Clears an entire lane in the map. Only covers a particular path in a map.
Fast-acting killstreak that avoids launchers. -

7 Kills



Similar to Precision Airstrike but can control the path of each strike. There is a slight delay in between each strike.

8 Kills


MW2 - VTOL Jet

Explosives cover wide areas. Can be shot down with launchers and even LMGs.
Patrol areas can be altered by Operator.

10 Kills

Chopper Gunner

MW2 - Chopper Gunner

Also effective against ground-based killstreaks. Chopper remains stationary.

12 Kills

Advanced UAV

MW2 - Advanced UAV

Provides an enormous tactical advantage. Duration only lasts similar to standard UAV (does not stack).

15 Kills


MW2 - Juggernaut

The operator can withstand damage from an entire enemy team. Retrieved through a care package, which can be stolen by enemy operators.
Dropped Mini-Gun can be used by teammates. Susceptible to headshots and damage from explosives.

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