Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Low Profile Intel Locations and Spec Ops Mission Walkthrough

Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Walkthrough Banner

Low Profile is a co-op Spec Ops mission featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2 2022). Read on for a complete walkthrough of Low Profile including the locations of all 20 intel fragments, the list of weapons found in the mission, and the rewards obtained from completing the mission.

Low Profile Mission Walkthrough

No. Step
Gather weapons that you need by the weapons depot on the plane. Ready up by selecting 'Jump' by the plane's drop-off exit.
Land on Target A's rooftop. There will be 3 enemies here so use an SMG or Assault Rifle to quickly take them down.
Use the Geiger Counter to locate the radioactive object inside the target building.
Avoid setting off traps inside by going prone to avoid getting caught. You can disable and pick up the C4 traps for later use.
Collect the radioactive object - this is located at the 2nd floor in the office room with the missile cases scattered around.
Head to Target B by crossing the river, then pass through the buildings to avoid detection.
The target building's exterior has three arches. This is the most heavily guarded building of the three so expect heavy resistance both inside and outside.
Go up the second floor and use your Geiger Counter to locate the correct radioactive object in one of the sleeping quarters.
Head to the western bridge. Do not use the bridge, instead cross the river by swimming as there are a lot of enemies on the bridge and a Juggernaut patrolling the area.
Wait for enemies to pass by before proceeding to the target building.
Storm the building together with your partner (this can also be done alone but with extreme caution). There will only be a few enemies inside the building.
Once again, use your Geiger Counter to locate the correct radioactive object at the 2nd floor of the building.
Head to the exfil area - fight through enemy resistance along the way. We recommend you pass through buildings to have access to cover.
Exfil at the chopper - there would be heavy resistance including armored vehicles at this point. Another friendly chopper will provide air support to cover you.
Climb aboard the chopper to end the mission.

Low Profile Intel Fragment Locations

Jump to a Section!
Intel 1-6 (North East) Intel 7-9 (South East)
Intel 10-18 (South West) Intel 19-20 (North West)

Intel Fragment Locations (North East)

Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile North East with Tower
No. How to Get
1 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 1
Land on the roof of this building at the start of the mission and you will find a crate containing the intel.
2 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 2
Head across the other building and you'll find a USB on the the first floor, beside two empty rocket launcher cases.
3 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 3
Found on a crate next to the room of the previous one.
4 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 4
Head upstairs and you'll find the intel in a room with vending machines inside.
5 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 5
You will find an underwater cave on this island, dive down and look for a crate.
Climb on top of the Tower marked on the map. Use your parachute to glide towards the roof of the building which is also marked. You will then find a crate on the roof.

Intel Fragment Locations (South East)

Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile South East
No. How to Get
7 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 7
Found on a table next to a radio and a lantern in the first floor of the building.
8 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 8
Head to the roof of the same building to find a crate containing the intel.
9 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 9
Found on the roof of the building north of the previous one. A ladder can be found on the exterior of the building to access the roof.

Intel Fragment Locations (South West)

Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile South West
No. How to Get
10 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 10
Head to the bridge at the South West area. You will find a crate inside the truck on the bridge.
11 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 11
Found inside the first building to the left by the end of the bridge.
12 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 12
On the second floor of the same building, you will find a USB connected to a laptop.
13 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 13
Head to the next room to find the intel on top of the bedside table.
NOTE: Grab the Desk Key found in the same room as you'll need it later.
14 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 14
Head north to the 'W-shaped' building, you'll find the intel on top of the computer table.
15 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 15
On the same floor, the next intel is connected to a laptop in-between two radios.
16 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 16
Go up to the second floor, an audio log can be found be found on a desk with several documents.
17 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 17
Head north of the 'W-shaped' building. Remember the Desk Key you picked up earlier? Use it to open the locked desk drawer on the first floor and grab the intel.
18 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 18
Beside the bridge, there is an underwater cave opening, swim inside it and head west to find a crate.

Intel Fragment Locations (North West)

Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile North West
No. How to Get
19 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 19
Head to the roof of this building at the North West area of the map to find a crate.
20 Modern Warfare 2 - Low Profile Intel 20
You'll find a crate sitting against a wall near the exfil area towards the end of the mission.

Low Profile Weapons List

Type Weapons
Assault Rifle Kastov 545
SMG Kastov-74u, Vaznek-9K, Minibak, MX9
Sniper SP-X 80
Shotgun -
Handgun P890
Launcher -

List of All Weapons

List of Rewards on Low Profile


Operator Faction
Modern Warfare 2 - Gromsko

How to Unlock All Operators

Weekly Stars Requirements

Stars Unlock Conditions
(3 Stars)
Complete Low Profile in under 15:00 minutes.
(2 Stars)
Complete Low Profile in under 25:00 minutes.

(1 Star)
Complete Low Profile

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1 Low Profile
2 Denied Area
3 Defender: Mt. Zaya
4 Gun Game: Mt. Zaya
5 High Ground


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