Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Comments


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    3 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Nope. Flat damage reduction is true reduction. No DR piercing skill will disable it. It takes effect after DR piercing skills pierces your regular DR. In simple words. Every hit you make on Caeda will do at least 24 less damage than what you should have done whether there is DR piercing or not. I believe that along with seasonal Axe Altina she is the best omnitank in the game right now. I have never seen my Altina lose more than 50% of her HP even to pre-combat damage dealers.

    2 twztid13 12 monthsReport

    Ok i think i understand now. Merric only disables the percentage based non special dmg reduction skills, but she also has a flat rate skill, so that would still take effect. Is that accurate? Sorry, these skills can get so confusing for a newer player.

    1 twztid13 12 monthsReport

    Wouldn't this merric just cut through all of caeda'a defenses (the reason you say to aim for her)? He's exactly what u said people are going for (cav mage) & his special makes all her defenses moot, doesn't it?

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