Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Comments

Spring Linhardt Builds and Best IVsComment

Showing 1-10 of 10 entries


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    10 twztid13 12 monthsReport

    like, during arena, i am forced to use him this week, & he's so weak, i make sure to keep him far away from the opposite team, so just having him in a cardinal direction, far away, can help my allies. Since he already gives atk & def debuff, i wanted to put speed debuff to help my allies, but not sure if it's even worth doing, as opposed to just keeping him far away & killing the opponent with my good heroes (winter Edelgard & yanuka, valentines Lyon, & brave robin are my best).

    9 twztid13 12 monthsReport

    ahh, i see. I was just thinking the speed debuff to help allies, but i understand. Thanks.

    8 Anonymous@Game812 monthsReport

    Atk Smoke 3 can be redundant at times, but it covers for foes that aren't affected by Carrot Bow+ at the start of each turn; mostly against ranged cavalry. Additionally, you can have Linhardt move forward and attack to apply Atk debuffs against foes that weren't in range of Carrot Bow+ at the start of the turn. Linhardt's Spd is too middling to be reliable. Even with Spd Smoke debuffs, he won't be fast enough to prevent follow-up attacks from speedy foes.

    7 twztid13 12 monthsReport

    spd or res 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ I wish there was an edit button. I just woke up. That's my excuse.

    6 twztid13 12 monthsReport

    Sorry again. "His wpn gives atk & def -7, so wouldn't def or res be better," is what i meant.

    5 twztid13 12 monthsReport

    sorry, atk smoke 3 seems redundant, not speed smoke 3. 🤦🏼‍♂️

    4 twztid13 12 monthsReport

    It would seem since he can already debuff atk & res to max visible buff (-7), he would be better served by a speed or def debuff to help allies? What am i missing here? Thanks for always responding. I will stop bugging as much once i better understand the skills.

    3 twztid13 12 monthsReport

    Ahh, ok. I don't understand the iceberg instead of glacies on both builds. Is it because it's 3CD instead of 4, even though it's less damage (50% vs 80%)? Also, speed smoke 3 for the budget build seems redundant, since his weapon can debuff those in 3 rows or columns. people in range of atk smoke 3 would likely be in that range. Is it just in case some are a little outside that range but can still get to him?

    2 Anonymous@Game812 monthsReport

    All Grand Hero Battle and Tempest Trial units eventually get added into the Heroic Grail Shop around 2 months after their release

    1 twztid13 12 monthsReport

    This says +res for a +10 merge, but how are we supposed to get this character to +10? Is there a way to get more than the 2 copies right now (available in tempest trials+)? Is this maybe just in case one plans to build it to +10 in the future, or am i missing a method to get more copies?

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