Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Team Building Guide

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Team Building Guide Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This is a guide on how to build a team for Fire Emblem Heroes. For information on team synergies, roles, and more, read on!

How to Build a Team in Fire Emblem Heroes

The Weapon Triangle

When building a team, you need to mind the weapon triangle, which is as follows:

Weapon Triangle Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

As shown here, red weapons are effective against green weapons, green weapons are effective against blue weapons, and blue weapons are effective against red weapons.

This goes for both physical and magical damage.

Colorless units are not part of the weapon triangle and thus generally do not gain any effectiveness against any particular weapon type, though keep in mind there are other types of weapon effectiveness.

Consider Enemy Unit Attributes

Enemy Team Composition Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

In modes such as the Training Tower, you will be able to see what types of weapons the enemy units are wielding so you can prepare accordingly.

If there is an option to look at an enemy team's composition before a battle, take advantage and do so.

Having a team that isn't effective against the enemy units you will be facing will hinder your progress and possibly cost you the win as well.

Have Different Weapon Types

Fire Emblem Heroes has may strong units wielding different weapon types so it's good to mix and match so you can cover the different types of enemy units that may appear.

You can have a mix of melee and ranged, physical and magical, just make sure that your team can generally handle whatever the enemy team composition will be.

While having a full Dimitri team composed of Legendary Dimitri, Brave Dimitri, and regular Dimitri may seem like a fun idea, they could be weak to any green units, especially Edelgard.

Have Defined Roles in Your Team

Another important thing to keep in mind are the roles of the units on your team.

Decide on what you would want your team to be like and then build around that. A general use team would be something like:

Dimitri - Savior King ImageLegendary Dimitri Triandra - Nightmare ImageTriandra Veronica - Brave Princess ImageVeronica Altina - DawnAltina

The main idea is to have one or two main damage dealers (in this case Legendary Dimitri and Altina), a dancer (Triandra), and a healer (Veronica).

You can, however, deviate from this type of team.

More Examples of Different Team Roles

Dimitri - Savior King ImageLegendary Dimitri Dimitri - Savior King ImageLegendary Dimitri Flayn - Playing Innocent ImageFlayn Flayn - Playing Innocent ImageFlayn

In this team, we have two damage dealers (Legendary Dimitri) and two healer/supports (Flayn).

The goal of this team is to have both Flayns' Caduceus Staff reduce damage taken to Dimitri. Dimitri, on the other hand, also reduces damage due to Areadbhar.

With this type of team composition, it will be very difficult to kill Dimitri.

Hector - Brave Warrior ImageBrave Hector Corrin - Fateful Prince ImageCorrin (M) Eir - Merciful Death ImageEir Peony - Sweet Dream ImagePeony

On this team, we have our main damage dealer, Brave Hector, who also serves as his team's tank.

Corrin, Eir, and Peony are mainly there to support Brave Hector - Eir being the stand in for a healer, and Corrin providing Support through Yato refine. Peony acts as the third support, providing team buffs through Gentle Dream and Flower of Joy.


There are many different ways to build a team, the main thing to remember is to keep in mind enemy team attributes and the synergy between your units.

Don't be afraid to mix them up and experiment!

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