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This page lists the best skills in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) presented as a tier list. Read on to find out which skills from each skill type are best for your heroes!
List of Contents
Tier Lists | ||
Hero Tier List | Reroll Tier List | Skill Tier List |
Source Heroes | Weapon Refinery | Unlock Potential |
Tier Lists by Color | |||
Red Heroes |
Blue Heroes |
Green Heroes |
Colorless Heroes |
Date | Changes |
01/22/2025 | Added Jehanna inheritable weapons, Laguz Loyalty, and Time Pulse Edge.). |
11/19/2024 | Added Arcane Weapons, Breath of Life 4, Laguz Friend 4, and Shield Fighter. |
Weapon | Assist | Special | Passive A | Passive B | Passive C |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | An Arcane weapon meant for speedy units; provides a Null Follow-Up effect, Special acceleration, and damage reduction. | |
2nd | An Arcane weapon meant for slower units; provides a guaranteed follow-up attack, denies foe's follow-up attack, and slows down foe's Special charges. | |
3rd | A sword meant for speedy units; grants Atk/Spd+5, a Null Follow-Up effect, and +5 bonus damage per attack during combat. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | This weapon has built-in Phantom Spd, grants Atk/Spd+6, 【Dodge】, and 【Null Debuffs】 to unit and nearby allies, and grants unit bonus stats, damage reduction and reflection in combat. | |
2nd | An Arcane weapon for speedy units; grants a Null Follow-Up effect, bonus damage based on Spd, and neutralizes foe's visible stat bonuses. | |
3rd | An Arcane weapon viable on anyone; grants a guaranteed follow-up attack, denies foe's follow-up attack, and grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | A generalist Arcane weapon well suited for any type of unit, this weapon neutralizes Panic and Atk/Def penalties, grants bonus stats, bonus true damage, damage reduction, and a Special skipping effect. | |
2nd | An Arcane weapon for speedy units; grants a Null Follow-Up and a Tempo effect, inflicts stat penalties onto multiple foes, and creates a large stat swing during combat. | |
3rd | An Arcane weapon for sturdy units; grants Special cooldown charges and heals 7 HP to unit per attack and denies foe's follow-up attack. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | This Arcane staff grants bonus stats, a guaranteed follow-up attack, bonus damage, and bonus Special cooldown charges per attack. It can also be refined with bonus stats, unlike other inheritable staves. | |
2nd | Disable enemy counterattacks after combat, allowing the rest of your team to safely attack the target afterwards. | |
3rd | This staff reduces the special cooldown of the ally with the highest Atk at the start of turn 1. If the team is set up properly, this can lead to devastating effects. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | An Arcane weapon; grants bonus stats, bonus true damage, true damage reduction, offensive Tempo, and a Special skipping effect. | |
2nd | An Arcane weapon; grants accelerated Special cooldown and Special cooldown count -1 at the start of turn 1, bonus stats, a guaranteed follow-up attack, and neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk. | |
3rd | This tome provides both a debuff to the foe's Atk/Res and 4 HP healing after combat. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | An Arcane weapon for speedy units; grants a Null Follow-Up effect and Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res. | |
2nd | An Arcane weapon for slower units; grants a guaranteed follow-up attack, bonus damage equal to 15% of unit's Atk, and 30% damage reduction on foe's first attack. | |
3rd | This tome debuffs nearby foes with -5 Spd/Res, allowing both the wielder and his/her allies to win speed checks and deal more damage. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | An Arcane weapon for general use; it grants Atk+6, a warping effect, Special skipping effects, bonus stats, bonus true damage and damage reduction. | |
2nd | An Arcane weapon for slower units; grants a guaranteed follow-up attack, Special cooldown charge +1 per attack, and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res. | |
3rd | This tome grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and inflicts stat penalties onto foe equal to twice their stat bonuses, essentially reversing them. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | An Arcane weapon for speedy units, this bow neutralizes unit's penalties and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks and grants a Desperation effect to unit. | |
2nd | An Arcane weapon for slower units; grants a guaranteed follow-up attack, 30% damage reduction on foe's first attack, and bonus Atk to unit during combat based on foe's maximum Special cooldown value. | |
3rd | This bow boosts Atk/Spd can can provide a brave effect if conditions are met. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | An Arcane weapon viable on speedy units; grants bonus stats, damage reduction, Special cooldown charges per attack, and a Null Follow-Up effect. | |
2nd | An Arcane weapon viable on anyone; grants a guaranteed follow-up attack, bonus damage based on 15% of unit's Atk, and 7 HP post-combat healing. | |
3rd | This breath weapon grants bonus stats, damage reduction on foe's first attack, and a Null Follow-Up effect. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | An Arcane weapon with modern-day effects, including bonus stats, bonus true damage on both attacks and area-of-effect Specials and a Preempt Pulse effect. | |
2nd | This weapon has built-in Phantom Spd, grants Atk/Spd+6, 【Dodge】, and 【Null Debuffs】 to unit and nearby allies, and grants unit bonus stats, damage reduction and reflection in combat. | |
3rd | An Arcane weapon viable on speedy units; has a built-in Time's Pulse effect, grants bonus stats, damage reduction, and a Null Follow-Up effect based on a Spd check. |
Many of the weapon skills that placed highly on our rankings get stronger when upgraded via the Weapon Refinery.
These weapons can boost a unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res depending on what you choose, so choose wisely to best maximize your unit's stats and their role in your party!
To inherit a powerful weapon with a + attached to its name, you will need to give up a 5 star hero. Since they do not exactly come easy, you had best think carefully about how useful a weapon skill will be before letting another unit inherit it.
Weapons like Twin-Crest Power, Skinfaxi, or Gradivus that are exclusive to only one or two heroes cannot be inherited by another unit.
There are a lot of great weapon skills that cannot be inherited in this way, and a unit's exclusive skills play a large part in determining how good they are.
Weapon | Assist | Special | Passive A | Passive B | Passive C |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | A healing assists that grants Def/Res+6 to target ally, sets up 【Divine Vein (Ice)】 tiles afterwards, and grants the user an extra action on turn 2 onwards. | |
2nd | A healing assist that grants Atk/Res+6 and Dull Penalties to target ally and grants the user an extra action on turn 2 onwards. | |
3rd | Reposition and a heal tied up in one skill. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | A powercrept Reposition that also grants 【Canto (1)】. | |
2nd | One of the best movement skills that can be used offensively to reach further enemies or defensively to move allies out of danger. | |
3rd | A movement assist which pushes an ally two spaces away, perfect for sending an ally to initiate on enemy teams. |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | Rally Up skills apply buffs to multiple allies. | |
2nd | Dual Rally skills apply buffs to two stats at once. | |
3rd | This assist converts stat penalties into bonuses and negates all other penalties applied to the target. |
The ranking for assist skills is mostly centered around movement assists like Reposition and powerful buff skills.
With movement assists you can pull heroes out of the danger zone and increase the mobility of armored units, making them extremely useful. Consider what type of unit will be inheriting a skill and how well it will work with their abilities.
Refresher skills like Sing and Dance grant an extra action to a unit, but since they are exclusive, they cannot be inherited.
Since these skills are extremely useful in battles, try to raise a unit who already has the skill like Azura, Olivia, or Ninian.
Weapon | Assist | Special | Passive A | Passive B | Passive C |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | These movement/weapon-type exclusive Specials provide damage reduction as well as bonus damage at the same time. | |
2nd | These Specials neutralize foe's non-Special damage reduction effects while dealing bonus damage at the same time. | |
3rd | Quick 2 charge Specials that score high in Arena. | |
4th | These healer-exclusive Specials provide bonus damage as well as other effects; Staff units normally cannot learn common damaging Special skills. | |
5th | A 5 charge special that allows the wielder to act again in a turn. |
Within the Special Skills Ranking, low cooldown skills such as Ruptured Sky and Moonbow, as well as skills that deal more damage when a unit has a high Def or Res like Iceberg and Bonfire placed high due to their low cooldown and the power they give to a unit.
In order to raise your score in Arena Battles, we recommend using skills with high SP costs.
If quick cooldown Specials like Ruptured Sky or Blue Flame are unavailable, you can opt for skills such as Galeforce or Aether.
Scoring skills are assessed on how high or low their SP cost is, so using these types of skills is one way to increase your score.
Weapon | Assist | Special | Passive A | Passive B | Passive C |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | Sly skills grant bonus stats, bonus true damage per attack, and a guaranteed follow-up attack. | |
2nd | Flared skills apply 【Divine Vein (Flame)】 terrain and deal pre-combat damage, perfect for wearing down bulky units before nuking them down. | |
3rd | Dragon-exclusive Scowl skills provide bonus stats and de-pulse foe's Special charges, preventing them from immediately triggering their Special skills.. | |
4th | Prime skills provide bonus stats based on status effects active on unit as well as a Distant Counter effect. | |
5th | Finish skills provide bonus stats, bonus 5 damage, and post-combat healing. |
Passive A Skills are generally always active and will grant buffs to its owner.
For the most part, they raise a hero's stats or give them some sort of effect in combat. Distant Counter is extremely popular because it makes many melee units extremely flexible in their roles and can negate ranged threats. The same holds true for ranged units with Close Counter and Close Reversal.
While counterattacking from any range sounds like a fantastic skill to have on most units, you have to keep in mind what role you want your unit to play in the party.
Barring units that already have Distant Counter effects on their weapon, you may want to inherit skills like Atk/Spd Solo 4 for more offense-based units to one-shot enemies.
Weapon | Assist | Special | Passive A | Passive B | Passive C |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | These skills are the cream of the crop for survivability and are essential in creating tank units that can withstand multiple attacks. | |
2nd | These offensive skills deal unmitigated pre-combat damage, debuff stats, and deal bonus damage based on enemy Def/Res. | |
3rd | This skill grants its wielder a guaranteed follow-up attack, bonus damage based on distance travelled, and a Special jumping effect based on distance travelled (max: -2). | |
4th | Trace skills grant post-combat movement, allowing for better positioning or safety after combat. | |
5th | Wings of Mercy allows warping to allies at long distances; perfect for clearing enemies quickly. |
Passive B Skills are usually supportive effects for your unit that help them during battle.
Equip skills based on your unit's focused archetype to improve their performance!
Skills like Swordbreaker and Lancebreaker, which effect a wielder of a certain weapon type, can help further balance your team.
A good example of this is Reinhardt, as he can quad attack lance units.
Inherit a breaker skill for whatever type of weapon is difficult to take down and increase your team's efficiency!
Weapon | Assist | Special | Passive A | Passive B | Passive C |
Rank | Skill | Reason to Inherit |
1st | These mobility-based skills provide versatility in battle, allowing allies to reach areas they otherwise couldn't. | |
2nd | This skill vastly improves the survivability of your team by healing damage before the first attack in combat is thrown. Notably, this heals damage after pre-combat damage effects from skills like Flared Sparrow are dealt. | |
3rd | Pulse skills grant Special cooldown reduction on-demand and have alternate effects as well. | |
4th | Tier 4 Savior skills provide the benefits of Tier 3 Savior skills while having additional effects built into them. | |
5th | Dual Ploy skills inflict stat penalties, 【Ploy】, and 【Exposure】 onto multiple foes at long distances. |
For the most part, Passive C Skills give a bonus to nearby allies (Hone, Goad, Fortify, or Drive skills), or they inflict a penalty on nearby foes (Threaten, Smoke, and Ploy skills).
In general, Threaten-type debuff skills work well with units who fight in the front lines while Drive/Fortify/Hone skills work well with units who support or attack from the rear.
Weapon Skills | Assist Skills | Special Skills |
Passive A Skills | Passive B Skills | Passive C Skills |
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Inherit Skill Tier List
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Great update, it would be even better if the inheritance skill tier list has different section for each movement limit