Demon's Souls PS5

Baby Stingray Location, Drops, and Stats

This is a guide to Baby Stingray, an enemy in Demon's Souls for the PS5. Read on to learn about Baby Stingray including its HP, Souls obtained, drops, locations, defenses, resistances, guard abilities, and its variants.

Baby Stingray Stats Overview

Baby Stingray Stats and Drops

Drops Cloudstones

Baby Stingray Defenses

Physical Defense Slash Defense Blunt Defense
66 66 83
Pierce Defense Magic Defense Fire Defense
66 84 80

Baby Stingray Status Resistances

Poison Plague Bleed
Effective Effective Effective

Baby Stingray Block Rate

Physical Guard Magic Guard Fire Damage Cut
No effect No effect No effect

Baby Stingray Locations

Shrine of Storms 4-1

4-1: Shrine of Storms

The island shrine of the Shadowmen, who worship storms & mourn the dead. Here, the Storm Beasts fly above and the souls of the dead inhabit empty skeletons to move about freely.

4-1: Shrine of Storms

Shrine of Storms 4-2

4-2: Adjudicator Archstone

Archstone of the Demon Adjudicator.
The dead, given seals of the hero by the Adjudicator, are taken to the Shadowmen's shrine to be purified and mourned in the storm.

4-2: Adjudicator Archstone

Shrine of Storms 4-3

Currently Unavailable

Archstone of the Demon Old Hero.
After purification, heroes' remains are offered to the Storm King. His wings cover the sky, and he is accompanied by Storm Beasts

4-3: Old Hero Archstone

How to Beat Baby Stingray

Equip the Thief's Ring

The Thief's Ring is one of the best rings in the game and its effects is much more apparent in the Shrine of Storms. Equipping a Thief's Ring can allow you to ignore the Stingrays almost completely.

Climb to a High Altitude then Snipe Them

Due to the sheer distance that they float to, it will be near impossible to snipe them using the lock on feature in the ground. Find a good area with a high altitude then snipe them with a bow to take them down.

Use the Storm Ruler (4-3 Only)

By picking up the Storm Ruler, you can use it's 2 handed strong attack to unleash a shockwave that can even hit enemies in the sky. This is the most efficient way of eliminating the stormbeasts in the fight against the archdemon of 4-3.

Demon's Souls Related Links

List of Enemies

Shrine of Storms

Enemy List
Silver Skeleton Golden Skeleton
Black Skeleton Baby Stingray
Hawk Shadow Man
Grim Reaper Giant Shining Slug



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