Demon's Souls PS5

Fat Official (Rod) Location, Drops, and Stats

This is a guide to Fat Official (Rod), an enemy in Demon's Souls for the PS5. Read on to learn about Fat Official (Rod) including its HP, Souls obtained, drops, locations, defenses, resistances, guard abilities, and its variants.

Fat Official (Rod) Stats Overview

Fat Official (Rod) Stats and Drops

Drops Full Moon Grass

Fat Official (Rod) Defenses

Physical Defense Slash Defense Blunt Defense
88 88 132
Pierce Defense Magic Defense Fire Defense
88 96 51

Fat Official (Rod) Status Resistances

Poison Plague Bleed
Average Average Effective

Fat Official (Rod) Block Rate

Physical Guard Magic Guard Fire Damage Cut
No effect No effect No effect

Fat Official (Rod) Locations

Stonefang Tunnel 2-1

2-1: Stonefang Tunnel

City of the burrowers, keepers of the huge tunnel. Most of the stubborn excavators who supported the soldiers of Boletaria had their souls taken. Lacking their own will, they mindlessly continue working.

2-1: Stonefang Tunnel

Stonefang Tunnel 2-2

2-2: Armored Spider Archstone

Archstone of the Demon Armor Spider.
The Tunnel City... Below the smithing grounds lies a huge tunnel worthy of its name. It's said a dragon's grave is in the deepest part of the molten area.

2-2: Armored Spider Archstone

How to Beat Fat Official (Rod)

Dodge Its Fireballs

It's fireballs can cause chip damage so blocking it is not recommended. It can easily be doged by rolling sideways when its casting animation starts.

Bait Its Attacks Then Strike

The Fat Official's melee attacks has some lag and can be exploited for some damage. Just make sure to block it or dodge it so you don't suffer the consequences.

Demon's Souls Related Links

List of Enemies

Stonefang Tunnel

Enemy List
Fat Official (Rod) Scale Miner
Rock Worm Giant Bearbug
Medium Bearbug Flying Bearbug
Small Bearbug


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