Manor Lords

How to Make Shoes (Step-by-Step)

Shoes are a commodity needed to upgrade a Burgage Plot to level 3 in Manor Lords. The Shoe production process can take a bit of time, but we'll show you how to make Shoes efficiently in our guide!

How to Make Shoes in Manor Lords

Steps in Shoes Production

To produce and distribute Shoes in Manor Lords, you first need buildings that can produce Leather. Next you'll want to build a Cobbler's Workshop extension on a Level 2 Burgage Plot. It looks easy with only two steps, but we'll break down each step for you.

  1. Acquire Leather
  2. Build a Cobbler's Workshop

How to Get Leather

There are two buildings that can produce Leather: Indirectly with a Tannery and directly with a Goat Shed. You can choose either building, depending on how you've established your colony initially.

  1. Produce using a Tannery
  2. Produce using a Goat Shed

Using A Tannery

It is worth nothing that you also need a Hunting Camps to produce Hides for a Tannery to produce Leather. It is also recommended to get the Pelt Extraction development node to double the production of Hides.

List of All Gathering Developments

Using a Goat Shed

A Goat Shed is also a decent alternative to producing Leather for your settlement. All you need is a level 1 Burgage Plot and 25 Regional Wealth to build a Goat Shed.

How to Get Regional Wealth

Build a Cobbler's Workshop

Manor Lords - How to Make Shoes - Build a Cobbler

The only thing missing now is a Cobbler's Workshop to produce Shoes. All you need is a Level 2 Burgage Plot, 5 Planks, and 5 Regional Wealth in order to build one. It only takes 4 Timber to upgrade to a Burgage Plot Level 2 if you still don't have one.

How to Get Artisan Workshops and Extensions

What are Shoes?

Commodity in Manor Lords

Shoes Information
Type Commodities
Raw Material/s Leather

Used to Upgrade Burgage Plots to Level 3

Manor Lords - How to Make Shoes - Clothing Stall Supply - Burgage Plot Level 2

Shoes are a commodity needed to upgrade a Burgage Plot to level 3 in Manor Lords. Your settlement needs a steady supply of Shoes to build a Clothing Stall in your Marketplace and upgrade your Burgage Plots.

How to Upgrade Your Burgage Plot and Levels

Can be Exported for Regional Wealth

Manor Lords - How to Make Shoes - Export for Regional Wealth

You can also export Shoes to get some more Regional Wealth. Prices will fluctuate depending on the supply and demand within a given territory.

How to Trade (Trade Routes and Trading Post Guide)

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Resources

List of All Resources

Types of Resources

List of Resources
Currency Food Construction
Crops Fuel Crafting
Raw Resource Commodity Military

All Commodities

Cloaks Clothes Ale
Shoes Herbs Candles


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