Manor Lords

Flax: How to Get and How to Use

Flax is a type of Crop in Manor Lords. See how to get Flax and how to use it as you expand your territory!

Flax Information

Flax Information
Type Crop

Flax is a Crop grown in fields, and is primarily used to create Linen.

How to Get Flax

Acquire Flax From Fields

Production Building End Product
Field Flax

Assign a Family to a Farmhouse and set the Field's production to Flax to harvest the crop.

It is recommended that you make a field plot to harvest various crops, and build a Weaver's Workshop nearby to streamline the process of converting Flax into Linen.

Crop Rotation Guide: How to Maximize Fertility

How to Use Flax

Used to Create Linen

Raw Material Production Building End Product
Flax Weaver's Workshop

Flax can be used to produce the following items using the Weaver Workshop.

Use Converted Flax to Create Clothes

Linen, once produced by weaving Flax, can be then used to create Clothes from a Tailor's Workshop.

Clothes and Cloaks provide Clothing Variety to your settlement, raising the Approval rate of your settlement.

Tailor's Workshop - How to Build and Use

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Resources

List of All Resources

Types of Resources

List of Resources
Currency Food Construction
Crops Fuel Crafting
Raw Resource Commodity Military

All Crop

Flax Barley Wheat
Rye Dung Fertilizer


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