Manor Lords

Trapping Development and How to Unlock

Manor Lords -Trapping Development and How to Unlock
Trapping is a development under the Gathering tree of Manor Lords. Learn this development's ranking, how it works, the improvements brought about by Trapping, the affected buildings when you get this development, and the nodes you need to unlock to get this development!

Is Trapping Worth it?

Low Impact on Meat Quantity

Tier Development
C Rank Icon
Trapping Icon Trapping

This Development is not necessarily needed during early game, though, enabling Trapper for regions tagged with Rich Deposit for Animal Populations may benefit from this.

With its low impact on increasing meat quantity, you may be better off allocating your Development Points to its foraging counterpart; Forest Management.

All Development Rankings

How Does Trapping Work?

Enables Passive Meat Collection

Unlocking Trapping on the Development Tree would allow your hunters to passively acquire Meat which is a food source needed by your settlers.

Needed to Unlock More Development Nodes

This Development Node will also become important during late game where you might want to have Advanced Skinning or Pelt Extraction unlocked.

Trapping Basic Information

Trapping Icon Trapping
Development Tree Gathering
Description and Effects
Enables hunters to skillfully lay traps in the forest for a passive income of Meat.

How to Unlock and Development Path

Gathering Development Tree
Trapping IconTrapping Advanced Skinning IconAdvanced Skinning Locked IconLocked
Pelt Extraction IconPelt Extraction Locked IconLocked

Trapping is a main node under the Gathering Tree. You can directly purchase it without unlocking any previous nodes.

Trapping Affected Buildings

All Affected Buildings
Hunting Camp IconHunting Camp

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Developments Partial

Full Gathering Development Tree

Gathering Development Tree
Beekeeping IconBeekeeping Locked IconLocked Locked IconLocked
Advanced Beekeeping IconAdvanced Beekeeping Locked IconLocked
Forest Management IconForest Management
Trapping IconTrapping Advanced Skinning IconAdvanced Skinning Locked IconLocked
Pelt Extraction IconPelt Extraction Locked IconLocked

All Development Trees

All Development Branches
Farming Trade
Industry Gathering


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