Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Comments


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    3 Anonymous@Game812 monthsReport

    The two sentences have separate effects. If your hero is fighting a Green hero, then the foe will not receive help from his/her allies and gets Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4. If your hero is fighting a non-Green hero, then he/she will not receive help from his/her Green allies. "Help" is anything that provides in-combat support, such as Drive skills, Rein skills, .and even skills that grant unique in-combat effects such as Fallen Maria's Sacrifice Staff granting a Miracle effect to nearby allies.

    1 Twztid13 12 monthsReport

    Man i wished this was explained better here. It repeats the same thing at the end, except uses "during combat," instead, but excludes the foe you're in combat with. So, if it still only applies to everyone else, why mention it again? Also, what skills does it disable? Only defensive skills? Or can they not use their offensive skills when attacking? So confusing, & it's hard to test, because when I've tried on high level foes, they still kill my other units, except my best units (which are OP).

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