Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Veronica and Loki Infernal Guide and Recommended Team (Bound Hero Battle)

★ Latest Banner - Dust Storm Mercs
☆ New Units - Jehanna Ike, Jehanna Malice, Jehanna Tethys, Jehanna Marisa
☆ Free Units - Jehanna Saber

Veronica and Loki Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This is a guide to clearing the Infernal and Lunatic maps for Veronica and Loki Bound Hero Battle in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To see strategy for defeating Bound Hero Battle, as well as the best units and party to use, read on!

Veronica and Loki Bound Hero Battle Basic Information

Enemy Heroes Veronica - Brave Princess ImageVeronica Loki - The Trickster ImageLoki
Recommended Level Lv.40
Difficulty Infernal
Conditions Condition 1: All 4 units must survive.
Condition 2: You cannot use Light's Blessing
Dates Active 02/25/2021 ~ 03/06/2021

Initial Unit Placement: Infernal

Initial Infernal Unit Placements

There are no reinforcements for this Bound Hero Battle. These are the only enemies for this map.

Damage Calculator Tool

Enemy Information: Infernal

A Veronica - Brave Princess ImageVeronica HP
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
B Green Mage IconGreen Mage HP
Assist Skill Icon:-
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
C Sword Cavalier IconSword Cavalier HP
Special Skill IconIceberg
Passive Skill A IconFury 3
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
D Loki - The Trickster ImageLoki HP
Weapon Skill IconThökk
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
E Lance Dragon IconLance Dragon HP
Assist Skill Icon:-
Special Skill IconBonfire
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
F Red Mage IconRed Mage HP
Assist Skill Icon:-
Special Skill IconMoonbow
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-

Veronica and Loki Bound Hero Battle Strategy

Take out Veronica and Loki ASAP!

Winter Altina Counterattack Fire Emblem Heroes FEH Veronica

Winter Altina lands a killing counterattack on Veronica! She did not expect that.

Veronica and Loki both have skills that disable your units' ability to land counterattacks, so it is very important to bring units that have Null C-Disrupt 3 in their kits. However, this is their main defense mechanism as their stats do not boast much bulk so even a unit with medium levels of investment can deal heavy damage with a simple counterattack.

Be wary of Loki's ability to hinder movement

Mt 14 Range 2
Effect Calculates damage from staff like other weapons.
At start of turn, if foe’s HP ≤ unit’s HP-3 and foe is in cardinal direction and uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, foe cannot move more than 1 space through its action.
Required SP 400 (600 if inherited)
Sacred Seal None

Thökk Weapon Refinery Information

Special Effect Upgrade Stats and Effect

Might 14 Range 2
HP -
Atk - Spd -
Def - Res -
Effect Calculates damage from staff like other weapons. At start of turn, inflicts Atk-7 and【Stall】on melee foes with HP < unit's HP in cardinal directions through their next actions. At start of turn, inflicts Res-7 and【Gravity】 on ranged foes with HP < unit's HP in cardinal directions through their next actions.
At start of turn, inflicts【Guard】on foes with the lowest Spd and any foes within 1 space of those foes. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat.

Required Materials for this Upgrade

Arena Medals 500 Refining Stones -
Divine Dew 200 SP 400

Be wary of Loki's Thökk as it can hinder your units' ability to move. She has 72 HP at Infernal mode so it will be rare for units to win the HP check. Avoid ending a unit's action, in Loki's cardinal directions.

Best Units for Veronica and Loki Bound Hero Battle

Units that Ignores Skills that Disable Counterattacks (Null C-Disrupt)

Unit Name
Altina - Cross-Time Duo ImageWinter Altina Infantry Sword
・Access to a one-turn Vantage through Harmonized Skill
・Weapon grants Distant Counter and a dual-phase Brave effect・Powerful Special skill
Nailah - Unflinching Eye ImageNailah Infantry Blue Beast
・Nullifies skills that prevent a counterattack
・Can counterattack foes from any range
・Her exclusive passive skill limits the movement of foes
Lyon - Demon King ImageFallen Lyon Infantry Green Tome
・Exclusive weapon is very powerful against ranged attackers
・Can multiply his active buffs
・Nullifies skills that prevent counteratttacks

Units with High Offensive Firepower

Unit Name
Reginn - Bearing Hope ImageReginn Cavalry Sword
・Access to additional movement action after attacking
・High firepower when engaging combat
Reinhardt - ThunderReinhardt Cavalry Blue Tome
・Very powerful weapon skill
・3 space movement and 2 space attack range
Nino - Pious Mage ImageNino Flier Green Tome
・Any bonus on her gets added on to damage dealt
・Draw Back is very useful for adjusting positions
・Can boost allies' Atk
Claude - AlmyraBrave Claude Flier Colorless Bow
・Exclusive weapon grants a buff to all stats
・Exclusive weapon provides heals everytime Claude activates his special
・Possesses an Atk/Spd debuff against foes within 2 squares

Units that can Tank Magic Damage

Unit Name
Idunn - Dark Priestess ImageIdunn Armored Red Breath
・One of the few armored dragon units
Nullifies enemy penalties cast on her
・Guaranteed follow-up attack when the foe initiates combat
Fjorm - Princess of Ice ImageFjorm Infantry Lance
・Reduces damage from ranged attackers and can counterattack
・Atk/Def bonus when adjacent to an ally
Edelgard - Adrestian Emperor ImageBrave Edelgard Armored Axe
・Exclusive weapon grants huge mobility
・Reduces the damage of enemy follow-up attacks by 80%
・Exclusive skill grants guaranteed follow-up attacks
・If foe is a magic user, Distant Ward guarantees buffs and counterattacks regardless of foe's range
Edelgard - The Future ImageEdelgard Infantry Axe
・Able to gain a guaranteed follow-up attack
・Gains a buff when there are no adjacent allies
・Nullifies buffs on close-ranged attackers

Top-Tier Refresher-Assist Supports

Unit Name
Sigurd - Destined Duo ImageMasquerade Sigurd Cavalry Red Tome
Has a unique Duo Skill
・Halves magic damage through exclusive weapon
・Has access to a refresher-assist skill and a movement-assist skill through his Duo Skill
Peony - Sweet Dream ImagePeony Flier Blue Tome
A Light type Mythic Hero
・ Extremely powerful refresher assist
・Buffs allies in all directions
・Can move nearby allies to an adjacent space
Azura - Vallite Songstress ImageLegendary Azura Flier Blue Tome
A Water-type Legendary Hero
・When she users her refresher skill on an infantry or flying unit, they will be able to move an additional 1 space.
・Skill raises Arena Score
Reyson - White Prince ImageReyson Flier Green Beast
・Can refresh allies' movement
・Can move up to 3 spaces when weapon skill effect is triggered
・Has a powerful beast exclusive support skill

List of Refresher-Assist Units

User Submitted Units / Parties for Veronica and Loki Bound Hero Battle

We are looking for user submitted clears!

Abyssal Maps Infernal Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Application Time 02/26/21 ~ 03/06/2021

Let us know about your party and how you cleared the maps in the comments below, via a picture of your team and their skills.

If you have uploaded the walkthrough video on Twitter etc., please enter the URL as well!

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List of Bound Hero Battles

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