Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Who Should Equip the Sacred Seal Squad Ace V 3?

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Rearmed Þjazi & Rearmed Lilina
☆ New Units - Elffin, Ogier, Rearmed Lilina, Þjazi, Bors
☆ Free Units - Zeiss

This page lists the effects of the Sacred Seal Squad Ace V 3 and shows which heroes we recommend equipping it to. Read on if you are unsure of who to equip Squad Ace V 3 to!

Squad Ace V 3 - Basic Information

Rating C Rank Icon
Availability Obtainable
How to Obtain Obtained through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Effect Grants Def + 3.

Materials Required for Creation and Enhancement

Sacred Seal Great Badges Badges Sacred Coins
Squad Ace V 3
Great Verdant Badge Icon ×400
Verdant Badge Icon ×1000
Sacred Coin Icon ×100
Squad Ace V 2
Great Verdant Badge Icon ×60
Verdant Badge Icon ×200
Sacred Coin Icon ×50
Squad Ace V 1
Great Verdant Badge Icon ×20
Verdant Badge Icon ×100
Sacred Coin Icon ×20

Heroes You Should Equip With Squad Ace V 3

Gwendolyn - Adorable Knight ImageGwendolyn Lukas - Sharp Soldier ImageLukas Robin - High Deliverer ImageRobin (M) Boey - Skillful Survivor ImageBoey

Squad Ace V 3 - Related Links

Skills With the Same Name

List of All Sacred Seals

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